
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Continuing the Reflections on the Book Winning the War on Worry by Louie Giglio

 What's at the heart of worry?

I never considered this question. I never really "worried" about what's behind "worry." I just do it. I worry. However, reading through this little book by Louie Giglio, Winning the War on Worry I got to page 20 and there was a statement that made me hit the brakes: "at the heart of worry is our need to be in control."

Pastor Giglio takes the readers back to Adam and Eve and how that one decision to disobey God was all about control. They believed the lie of the enemy that told them, "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3: 5).  The key phrase in this lie is:  "you will be like God..." That was it. Eve and then Adam wanted to be like God. The funny thing is, they already were!

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1: 27

We already are made in the image of God. That's what Adam and Eve forgot. They allowed the lies of the enemy to enter their minds, clouding the truth. So they gave up paradise for the twisted promise of knowledge. This reminds me of when Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentil stew. I mean, what is it about food that makes us forget and causes us to fall in the traps of manipulators? Whether delicious cake or a magnificent fountain of chocolate fondue or fruit or lentil stew, food is one of those double-edged swords that nourishes us on one side and on the other entices us to err.  It is no wonder food is used as a control item. Oftentimes, people who worry because they feel like their lives are out of control use food as a tool to control what little they can. They would either eat in excess or not eat at all as a way to say to others and to themselves, even if subconsciously, "I can control this." So...could Pastor Giglio be onto something here?

In my own experience, if I'm honest, I will probably get to the same conclusion: at the heart of worry is my need to be in control. I don't think I do it consciously...but it is there. One of my greatest worries in life is the fear that I will get sick and die too young and leave my family on their own. Therefore, every time I am facing medical testing and health issues, my worry level goes on red alert. Why do I worry? Because illness usually means I am not in control and my life is not going to unfold the way I had planned it. Health issues usually have a habit of altering everything. So the plans and goals we had so carefully designed go out the door very quickly. And I. DO. NOT. LIKE. THAT!

I tend to believe that my life goes better when it flows according to my plans. I even tell my kids more often I'd like to admit: "If you'd just do what I say, your lives would be SO much better!!!"

I know...I do say that quite often.

The thing is, that's a lie! What they have to do is what God says in His Word! So de enemy makes me doubt that God's promises are not really true or at least not for me AND that life could be perfect if I get to direct my path and the paths of my loved ones. But like Pastor Giglio reminds us, God's promises and His love are 100% true! He became flesh to die for us so we would not face eternal separation from God but eternal life with Him! What more proof we need of His love and care? And as for the "life would be perfect if it all went according to MY design," well...look how it turned out for Adam and Eve...we are still reaping the consequences of them deciding they wanted absolute control. I don't really have to go that far to realize I am doomed when I try to take full control of my destiny...just ask those around me. They'll be able to tell you what happens when hurricane Gisela passes by...

So what to do? Relent. Let Go. Submit. Surrender.

"Jesus' resurrection puts the brakes on our need for control because we can fully trust that the One who overcame death, hell, and the grave loves us and gives His victorious life to us through Jesus Christ. He promises to care for us. Guide us. Protect us." (page 24) And all His promises are true!

We can trust Him because,

...he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53: 5

What a marvelous truth, spoken to us 700 years before the birth of Christ! And it came to pass and we are living proof of it.

"Jesus can carry what is worrying you because He has already carried what was meant to kill you. He has already carried your sorrows and buried them in His grave." (page 24)

And for that we praise You, worship You and thank You, Lord. We have no words to express our gratitude for what You have done and for Who You are and for the gift of Christ in Me. To You all the Glory, My Lord and My God...My King of Glory! Amen! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Facing the Enemy

 Do you have a 911-prayer partner group? You know what I mean, don't you? The people you reach out to and contact when you are in need of emergency/urgent prayers? If you don't, I invite you to start praying that the Holy Spirit leads you to a small group of godly women that can become your prayer warriors at a moment's notice. Before I continue, I just want to clarify that by "godly" women I don't mean perfect. By NO means. No way, no how. The perfect prayer partner does not exist. By definition, the only requirement of a prayer partner is that the person prays. That's it. So, if someone reaches out to you for prayer, for the love of anything worthwhile in the world, just pray. Don't think about it, just pray.

Anyway, I just felt like I had to say that...but I digress...

When King Jehoshaphat of Judah heard that their enemies were on route to attack him and his kingdom, guess what he did? He prayed! But besides praying, he reach out to his people...and I mean ALL of his people. He proclaimed a nation-wide fast for all the people of Judah, which means that he basically called them to prayer because that's what fasting meant...that you were replacing food with prayer. An guess what the people of Judah did? Yes, they  "...came together to seek help from the Lord; indeed, they came from every town in Judah to seek him." (2 Chronicles 20: 4) Can you believe it? a whole nation coming together, unified, in prayer, seeking the Lord.  Boy, wouldn't that be nice to see today?

All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood there before the Lord. (2 Chronicles 20: 13)

The King reached out to the people and they responded in mass. And guess what? Something just marvelously miraculous happened: the Lord spoke to them through those He empowered to receive and communicate His message by the Holy Spirit. He answered their prayers in a most amazing way.  He said to the people of Judah who were all gathering together in and outside the Temple:

‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’” 2 Chronicles 20: 15-17

What an incredibly reassuring reply! God knew what the people and their earthly King needed to hear after seeking Him and honoring Him...and He said exactly that:
1. He told them not to be afraid or discouraged.  Of course, that's the first thing we need to hear when entering a battle of any kind. But when God says that to us, He means it! He backs it up with action for He is Faithful and He means what He says. Then...
2. He confirmed that the battle was actually not theirs. It was His. Therefore, He would fight it. And you know what happens when we let God fight the battles, right? Well, of course, He wins! He delivers us.
However, that's not all. There is one more thing:
3. He reminded them that even though they would not have to fight this battle, they still had to be ready, march, take up their positions and stand firm to see their deliverance. They still needed to "go out and face them tomorrow." God did not magically stopped the approach of the enemy or their attack. The people of Judah still had to go and face the enemy with courage and confidence...because He was going to be there with them.  He didn't promise to dissolve the advances of the enemy. He promised to be there to face it and to defeat it for His honor and glory and for the benefit of His people.

There are some good applications for our lives, here don't you think?
When problems, trials, struggles, difficulties, battles are seen in the horizon, with vast strength and no intention of stopping any time soon:
1. Go to the Lord.
2. Send a 911 to your prayer warriors so they can lift you up in prayer and stand with you.
3. Listen to the Voice of Truth. Take time to "be still and know that He is God" and to listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Quiet your heart and let Him speak to you through Scriptures, through the words of your prayer partners, through a magnificent sunset, through the cold rain, through the roar of the ocean, through the caress of a soft breeze.
4. And trust Him. Even when fear threatens to take over, recall His promises, especially the promise that He will be with you. Recall His faithfulness and all the times He has been there for you and how His promises are true and how He is the same today, yesterday and forever so we can count on Him now again.
5. Then, get ready to march on and face the enemy, to watch him be defeated.
6. Praise Him through it all! Worship for He is Worthy, like Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah did,

Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the Lord. 2 Chronicles 20: 18

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Thank you for Your Faithfulness, Lord. Thank You for Your saving grace. Thank You for Your deliverance. In the Precious Name of Jesus, our Redeemer who lives! Amen.