
Friday, December 2, 2011

The Lord and EMPs

I faced many challenges this past week, but one in particular topped them all.  I found myself having to address the reality of Electro Magnetic Pulse weapons with my 9-year old son Grant. 

That afternoon, as soon as I saw him come in the door after school, I noticed something was bugging him.  I dutifully asked, “What’s wrong?”  His answer to my question went something like this:  “well, should I believe what a mean guy who always lies tells me?”  I’m like, “well… no!”  Then, he continued, “because this fifth grader, who loves to tell lies, told me that in 2013 there is going to be a solar storm that is going to destroy all the electronic chips in every computerized equipment on earth.”  (yes, the pause that proceeded this statement was very long…I had to take several minutes to process what he had said and then begin to formulate a reply that would satisfy Grant’s troubled mind…so I went ahead and hung up his and Dylan’s coats, put their backpacks away, gave them something to drink, as I frantically pleaded for some coherent thought to come to my rescue.) 

I saw real fear in Grant’s eyes; so what went on after his initial comment/question was a solid hour-long back-and-forth on the pertinent fact checking deliberation on how the sun has experienced, and will continue to experience various storms that give out exorbitant amounts of energy into space and that all that has happened, and Earth is still here, going round and round in its orbit.  I said that only God knows the future and when someone comes up stating that they know what is going to happen 2 years from now, that should be an immediate red flag that indicates a lie.  I mentioned that perhaps this boy was confusing solar storms with EMP weapons; which opened up another can of worms as I had to try to explain what EMPs were.  We talked about so many things I can’t even remember it all.  I finally said, “Grant, I haven’t seen any evidence in the Bible that indicates that God may allow the destruction of the planet by a solar storm or anything like that.” 

I could still see concern in his eyes, as if he was processing all the info I had bombarded him with; but the fear seemed to have subsided…momentarily that was. 

Shortly after I had made my final points, Dan walked in the door.  After the usual hugs and hellos, I had the brilliant idea of mentioning to him about our discussion on solar storms and EMPs.  I said how we had concluded that it was all an impossibility and mere lies by that mean boy at school.  To this, Dan replied with a resounding, “well, it could be possible!  A powerful solar storm could actually act as an EMP, because it could be almost like an atomic bomb exploding in the atmosphere…blah, blah, blah…” Needless to say, I stopped listening to anything Dan was saying as I brought my hands to my head and started pulling out my hair.

If my eyes could shoot darts, Dan would have been seriously hurt.  My efforts to communicate telepathically failed miserably.  Dan’s words had expelled more destructive power than an EMP itself.  Grant’s mainframe had shut down and he was in panic mode, - Grant style -, which means he turns into a statistician.  “So, what are the probabilities of something like that happening?”  Grant asked.  Dan said, “not big.”  “You mean, not big like 0.00000001%?” Grant pressed.  “Yeah, something like that.” (Weak)  “You mean like, if this were to happen, it would be like once in 300 years or so?”  Grant continued to press on.  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.” (Weaker)  “You are 99.999999% sure?”  Grant pleaded.  By then I think Dan had realized he was standing on quick sand and that the probabilities for sinking were 100% no doubt.  So I came to the rescue and said, “well, remember, I said how God doesn’t say anything in the Bible about destructing Earth!”  But then, Dan said, “well, He does say it!  He says that He will create a new earth which implies that He will destroy the current one.”  I was done.  He was on his own.

After some extended deliberations and explanations, Dan managed to get the conversation turned around to what, I know, was the Holy Spirit’s intent all along:  reminding our young son about the importance of trusting Him.  “We don’t know what is going to happen, Grant; and we cannot be afraid.  We cannot live in fear.  We were not given a Spirit of timidity or fear.  We are called to trust God and know that He will take care of us no matter what happens,” Dan emphasized.  “So, even if there is an EMP explosion, we should trust that we will be OK?”  Grant asked hesitantly.  “Yes, no matter what, He will take care of us, and even if we don’t survive it, we will be with Him,” Dan said.  “But the probabilities of it really happening are very small?”  Grant pleaded.  “Yes, don’t worry, and trust the Lord!” I said, as I patted him on the head and kissed him, hinting that the conversation was done and over with.  (Fat chance)

Later that night, I played a song for Grant on the computer.  I told him to read the lyrics as he listened.  He did.  From the distance, I watched my boy sitting by the computer, intently reading the words on the screen.  I prayed that his soul would find comfort in what he read and that he could feel the power of the Hand of God resting on his shoulder, telling him, “do not be afraid.”  

In his nightly prayers, Grant asked God to help him not be afraid; and then whispered in my ears that even though he knew he shouldn’t be afraid, he’d like for me to make him company for 5 minutes.  I did.  (And after the boys were asleep, I had a talk with Dan : )

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
   and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
   and he will make your paths straight. 
Proverbs 3:5-6

This is the song I played for Grant, I hope it brings you hope:


  1. Wow, Gisela...Aren't we given quite the challenge as parents? You and Dan are great parents who handled this situation very well indeed. Thanks for the reminder to all of us--at any age--to trust in our Savior in all things!

  2. So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen and uphold you with my righteous right hand.


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