
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Truthful Reminders

My very wise niece Nicole, after reading and pondering on my last post about childhood Christmas memories in Panama, sent me a note full of Holy Spirit-inspired-truth.  As a new year quickly approaches, I think it would be good to review and meditate on some of those truths that she so eloquently presented to me.
She opened her message with truth #1, saying,  “You focused so hard on those that ignored you that you missed to notice people who loved you, and were all over you.”  Needless to say, this was kind of a slap on the face across time and space.  So many times I become so “focused” on seeking the approval and attention of others to whom I admire in the worldly sphere, that I neglect my God-ordained command to “seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness,” while patiently waiting for all those other things to be given to me as add-ons.  So often my mind gets cluttered with worry about those who don’t “like” me, that I have no space left to fit those who do and rejoice in them for the Lord has placed them in my path to offer me encouragement, support and company in my walk. 
From there, she took me to truth #2:  “Seriously, looking back, do you envy anything about any of those people who “ignored” you?   Is there anything they have in their lives now that you would like to copy or emulate?”  And after “looking back” at all who surrounded me back then, the answer comes again and again as a resounding NO.  I used to “envy” their fashionable clothes, their lifestyles and their gravitas.  As an adolescent who felt left out, always wishing there was something like the Island of Misfit Teens for me to hide, I didn’t really let the words of Jesus dwell in my heart so much so as to change my attitude.  I never allowed the transforming power of the Word to free me as I read or heard Jesus saying, “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:28-30 NIV) 
So little faith do I exhibit that I fail to see truth #3 without such gentle reminder:  “Maybe, just maybe, God puts people in our lives to ignore us so we are forced to start looking in a different direction, notice other things, and notice other people.”  This thought on my lack of awareness brings me to my ‘word’ for 2012.  I heard on the radio the idea of having a “word” not a resolution for the New Year, and today I decided on mine.  My word for 2012 is ‘tuned-in.’  Yes, I know, technically it is two words put together by a hyphen; but technically two words put together by a hyphen become one word  (I love English grammar! : ). 
I want to be ‘tuned-in’ to my God.  I want to be ‘tuned-in’ to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit so I hear Him.  I want to be ‘tuned-in’ to Jesus’ hand holding mine so I always know when He leads me. I want to be ‘tuned-in’ to the will of the Most High for I know His Will is perfect.  I want to be ‘tuned-in’ to the needs of others over my own.  I want to be ‘tuned-in’ to the Body of Christ that is the Church.  I just want to be ‘tuned-in.’  I pray the Lord allows me to stay tuned-in throughout the year and always so I don’t miss what He is trying to accomplish in my life.
I want to remain in His Will and for that I must remained ‘tuned-in’ to His plan, for after all, like Nicole reminded me:  “You tell me all the time Gisel,...God’s plan is perfect.”  And perfect it is, indeed.

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