
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Are You Willing to Wait Upon The Lord?

I had, what some would consider, major surgery very recently; therefore the limitations on what I can and cannot do are pretty tight.  For a control…hmm, how can I put it politely? I don’t know…maybe I can just define my condition as found in the online dictionary.  I am “one who has an obsessive need to exert control over people and situations.”  Yep, that’s me, alright!  Needless to say, being restricted on what I can do is very frustrating to someone like me because it reduces my ability to control things/people.

I depend on my husband and two young sons for pretty much anything and I’m not liking it much.  I am used to doing things myself and in the rare instance that I ask any of the other inhabitants of this house to do something for me, if they don’t do it right away, I do it myself.  “I was going to do that!” Is my husband’s recurrent statement as he helplessly watches me doing what I asked him to do a minute ago.  “I just needed to finish this thing…” He would try to explain only to hear me say,  “It’s OK.  I was here, no problem,” as my rather curt response. 

Right now, however, I can’t just do it myself.  I have to actually wait for them to do what I require in their own timing and that is driving me crazy.

I like my own timing.  What’s wrong with it, I wonder? I see a need.  Something has to be done right away, why not just do it then?  That way we can just forget about it, not have it hanging over our heads and move on!  The garbage needs taken out, well, take it out now!  Toys need picked up, well, pick them up now!  The sink is full of dirty dishes, let’s not wait until we have no clean glasses and wash them now!  I can go on and on and on, but what’s the point?

The point is that my impatience and relentless need for control get in the way of me allowing the Holy Spirit to grow His fruits in me.  The point is that perhaps, my current situation is a God-sent so I can begin to learn to sit back, relax and wait upon the Lord and let Him be God in me.  The point is that this is the time the Lord has given me to not only receive His grace but to extend it to those around me in the same abundant manner He extends it to me. 

It is time for me to “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him,” as He reminds us in Psalm 37: 7a.  There is, indeed “a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3: 1)  Right now it is the time for me to wait for God and others to do what they are supposed to do without me pushing them or driving them crazy!  It is the time for me to heal and to grow.  It is the time for me to let others wait on me and exercise their own call to servant hood in me.  It is the time for me to be still and see how “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart.” (Ecclesiastes 3: 11)

I will eventually recover my strength and will be able to reassume my normal activities.  I do pray, however, that the “normal” is a new one.  I pray that in this “new normal” I meet my beloved at a point of grace where we can wait for God’s revelation together.
In the meantime, I am going to enjoy this time as much as I can.  This is the time that He has appointed for me to marvel at His glorious favor and bask in His inexhaustible grace.

“For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
    it speaks of the end
    and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
    it will certainly come
    and will not delay.” Habakkuk 2: 3

How about you?

Are you a person who needs to be in control of situations?

Has the Lord put you in a situation that you can’t control?

How did you deal with that?

I'm linking with "The Beauty in His Grip"   "On Your Heart on Tuesdays" and Time-Warp Wife Scroll down and find their buttons on the right : )


  1. Yes, yes and yes. What I used to proudly say was a take charge person I have now renamed a control freak. It is so easy to embrace what the world calls an attribute and let pride make it a sin. I am finally learning after 50+ years to be patient and let God help me through others. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Thank you so much for your reply. Pride is certainly at the root of most sins and the Holy Spirit, The Gardener of Our Souls, is the Only One who can effectively pull out the "weeds" that choke His fruits from blossoming in us.

  3. I like to be in control, but being a mother has taught me that it's not always possible, and that God is the one in control. We can rest in him and find peace, even when our lives are in chaos. Thank you for sharing.

  4. You are so right. Being a mother has been the toughest job I've ever had and the best school too. Motherhood has certainly taught me a great deal about the nature of the love of God for His children, us, and for that I am most grateful.

  5. Amen.

    Good post :-)



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