
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Never Shaken

Truly my soul finds rest in God; 

my salvation comes from him. 

Truly he is my rock and my salvation; 
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. 

Psalm 62: 1-2 

After feeling sorry for myself this morning, I began searching for Bible verses that spoke to me about how God is in control of all things and how I must rest in Him. I read at least a couple dozen inspirational verses, but a short phrase kept coming back, sticking to my brain and pulling my eyes to it-“I will never be shaken.” (Psalm 62:2b also found in Psalm 16:8)

“I will never be shaken.” The power of that statement made me tremble. In some versions, like the Amplified Bible, it reads something like, “I shall not be moved,” which is just as equally loud, mortifying and sobering as the NIV version. I just can’t get over how that statement makes me feel.

In a day like today, when life seems blah and feelings of inadequacy, frustration and even fear threaten to overcome me, reading the fierce and defiant words of King David, shouting to the world that The Most High and Almighty God is his Rock, his Salvation, his Fortress and for that he will never be moved or shaken make my heart skip a beat. More overwhelmingly yet, to realize that King David’s words can and should become my very own, completely baffle me.

“How in the world am I to adopt Psalm 62’s words as my own?” I wondered. I began to question myself. Being a person who lives in a constant state of fluctuation between worry and fear, only slightly sprinkled with small doses of peace; how am I ever going to pronounce that “I will never be shaken” with conviction? Needless to say, I was feeling terribly convicted.

I scrolled upwards again, to be able to read the eclectic collection of Bible verses that I compiled earlier and my eyes stopped on the first verses of Psalm 62 again. I also went to Psalm 16: 8 looking for some spark that may light my path to understanding how to undertake such daunting task…and I saw it. My soul will only find rest and peace in the Lord once I allow Him to be my Rock. That’s how I will never be shaken nor moved. If I stand on Him, who is The Rock, my ground will never shift, shake or move; hence I will be unmovable too. He is the One who is never shaken nor moved. Therefore, I need to stand on Him to be like Him. And the only way to do so is by never taking my eyes off of Him. It is, indeed, all about Him! My job in all these is to die to myself and my sorry/spiritually unhealthy habits, be obedient and do what He says.

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16: 8 

There is no other way. I need to be intentional about it. I need to remember to always keep my eyes on Him for if not I sink! I need to pray to for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in order to be reminded day in and day out that my eyes must be turned upon Jesus or else I get lost in the maze/mess that is my life without Him.

I pray that, with the help of my Holy Guide, The Spirit of Truth, I will be able to catch myself climbing down from the Rock of my salvation and looking away from Him, so I can redirect my sight and climb back upon my Solid Rock, because it is only with Him at my right hand, that I will never be shaken.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand, 
All other ground is sinking sand.


  1. I love that connection: It's not me that isn't shaken, it's Him and I'm standing on Him. Only then are we secure!!

    Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday!

    1. He is the Solid Rock, indeed! Only in Him we are righteous. thank you for stopping by and thank you for offering the WIP link up. Have a blessed day!

  2. What great revelation! I so often am between fear and worry too and seem to always wonder how can "I" be solid and consistent but it is in HIM that I am not shaken. So glad I stopped by!!

    1. Hi Theresa, thank you so much for stopping by. I know, I praise the Lord for His Word and for how He speaks to us through it...He IS our source of stability...we can't rely on ourselves for that. Have a blessed rest of the weekend. Thanks again!

  3. Beautiful!! There is a Rock, a huge Rock in North Carolina that overlooks a whole bunch of states. It reminds me of this song. I loved sitting under the Rock and thinking about the songs about our Rock, Jesus.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, fears, and worries.

    1. thank YOU for stopping by and sharing as well. I really appreciate your time and your thoughts.


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