
Friday, August 10, 2012

Where Sunflowers Grow

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 
 Romans 1: 20

The other day my husband had to go to our Public Library to return some books and I asked him to please take some pictures of the sunflowers growing in the small garden outside the Library.  My sons and I had seen them growing all summer as we visited weekly for the reading program, so I knew by now the flowers must be in bloom.

I LOVE sunflowers.  Growing up in Panama, my only experience with sunflowers was through movies, TV and magazines.  I remember always admiring them and wondering if they were really that big, that bright and that cheerful in real life.  So through the years I've called this blessed land my home, I have been most grateful to live in a place where sunflowers grow.

There is something magical about them; perhaps something resembling a time long gone by.  The sheer size of its leaves and bloom are nothing less than spectacular.  I cannot help but to feel small standing in front of one of those giant stalks.  It is almost as if I'm transported to a time before history began.  By the same token, however, the bright colors and sun-like face make the mighty plant the most cheerful of sights.  Since I can't bring myself out there to see them in person, I figured that immortalizing them into an electronic image would suffice.  So today I am gratefully admiring such a gift from our Maker which certainly makes me smile.

...what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8: 4

He actually captured a bee in mid flight toward the Sunflower!

I'm Linking with Friday Favorite ThingsFaith Filled FridayJust for Fun FridaysWeekend Whatever


  1. Great photos! Once certainly get's the sense that sun flowers are aptly named from these images.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Sometimes simple things are the best, aren't they?

  2. Visiting from Friday Favorite Things - your photos are beautiful! And I agree - sunflowers are rather spectacular. I recently took some photos of some in our area, and used them on a recent blog post, too. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and I will try to find your pictures. What a blessing to see pictures of sunflowers when it's dreary outside.

  3. A few weeks back we actually drove by a sunflower FIELD! It was awesome to see so many sunflowers with their heads raised high, following the sun. I did take a picture but it was on my phone and so not quite as dramatic as actually seeing the field. Ah well... we all remember it for now. :)

    Enjoy those sunflowers!
    Take care,

    1. Dramatic, that's a good word to define sunflowers! that's for sure. thank you for your comments and have a blessed day!


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