
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jesus is Enough

This morning I woke my son up earlier since it was the first day that his newly formed “running club” was going to meet at school. He had been excited about joining this club; however, the excitement wore off this morning as he struggled to get up while it was still pitch dark outside. Begrudgingly, he got out of bed and into his new running outfit. It was cold and wet outside. He was really not looking forward to this adventure. Needless to say, I wasn’t either since I had to drive him to the school.

As he dragged himself downstairs to have a light breakfast, I sensed “regret” in the air, and since I want my kids to enjoy the activities they choose to practice rather than see them as a chore, I said, “well, Grant, if you don’t want to go or actually do this, you don’t have to.” As soon as the expression came out of my mouth I realized something was not right. I was not concerned about my son. I was saying that for purely selfish reasons. I didn’t want to have to get out of the house in that cold, dark and wet morning. I wanted to stay home where I was safe and warm in my little cocoon. I pressed on, however, and I asked again in a few minutes.

He didn’t reply and just continued eating his cereal. When it was time to go, he grabbed his bags and followed me to the car. I asked one more time. He said nothing and we drove off. As I stopped the car to let Grant out, I said, “I am so proud of you for doing this! It is not easy. It is hard work and you are willing to do it even when you don’t really feel like it. I am really proud!” Again, he said nothing and just shut the door. I looked at him walking to the school through the side entrance and at that moment the song “Call on Jesus” by Nicole C. Mullen came on the air. I drove away and listened carefully to the lyrics of the song.

I'm so very ordinary
Nothing special on my own
I have never walked on water
I have never calmed a storm
Sometimes I'm hiding away
From the madness around me
Like a child who's afraid of the dark

But when I call on Jesus
All things are possible
I can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When I call on Jesus
Mountains are gonna fall
'Cause He'll move heaven
And earth to come rescue me when I call

I am hiding away, like a child afraid of the dark, and on my own strength I cannot do anything. With Him, however, all things are possible! I will mount on wings like eagles and soar as He lifts me up and makes me new, for He is enough. Like my son, I need to just do it! Get off my back, even if it is dark all around. I need to put one foot in front of the other, silently if words take up too much of the little energy I have, but just do it! Enough of this pit dwelling. It is time to come into the light again. I call on Him. He will move heaven and earth to come rescue me.

I’m sure I will hear my son’s stories about how hard it was to move his legs and how tough the coach was at the running club. I am sure also that I will perceive a hint of a healthy dose of good pride in his voice as he realizes that he pushed ahead even when he didn’t feel like it and accomplished something good today, despite the darkness around him. And I pray that would be me too, soon.

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