
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Soup is Almost Done

A few days ago a special friend gave me a book called “Tear Soup.” It is a great book about the grieving process, which is called “tear soup” making. I took it with me to read during the hour I did the Prayer Vigil early on Good Friday morning at our Church. Actually I went to the Prayer Vigil hour with Grant, and since the woman who gave me the book is the mother of one of Grant’s classmates, I thought it would be good for me to read it to him at that time. I have to say that it was by the Grace of God that I was able to get through the whole book without wailing uncontrollably. At times I did chock up and my voice faltered, which made Grant immensely uncomfortable (he has seen me crying, perhaps two or three times only). But I got through it, which gave me the chance to share a very special moment with my son.

All throughout the weekend, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the book. It really hit a cord in my heart, and I am most grateful to have received such a precious gift. One of the things that stuck with me the most is the idea that even though we eventually do finish making “tear soup,” we never really finish eating it while still on this side of Heaven. That thought made me ponder about my own recent tear-soup-making experience. I believe, and I pray it is so, that I am almost finished with the cooking. I think soon the pot will hang out to dry. I have made enough soup to last me a lifetime, though.

In this Resurrection morning, after singing praises to the King who is risen and Lives within my heart, I say a prayer for all who are in the process of making “tear soup.” Victory is won and it is time for life in abundance! Jesus is alive! Hallelujah! I pray that the Lord Jesus will rise in our hearts this Easter and remain breathing within our souls from now on. I pray that we see Him as we eat our soup, and know that He is with us as the ever present dinner guest who helps us swallow with ease, taking the bitterness away.

Well, it is time to go celebrate Easter. It’s time to enjoy the colored eggs, the kids and the time with family. I leave knowing that my tear soup making is thankfully almost done; and that even though I will never really finish eating it; I can certainly put it in the freezer for later. Now it’s time for some candy!

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