
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

For the Joy of the Lord

Well, with all the darkness and heaviness that has surrounded us as of late, I figured it was time for some silliness, so the other night I found this really crazy music video online and played it for the kids.  Those of you who know my younger son, Dylan, may see him as a rather shy and reserved little boy.  He sure seems like a no-nonsense-type of guy, usually displaying a serious demeanor.  And that is all the result of him not letting his personality come out in front of strangers.  He saves who he really is for Mama and Daddy, and big brother too.  In reality, Dylan is as goofy as it gets.  He has the capability of driving us insane while at the same time bringing us to a state of the most unimaginable joy that we can't help but feeling a bit dizzy afterwards.  As it happened, Dylan loved the crazy video I found, and that evening his personality came all out in the form of dancing.

I cannot tell you how much I laughed watching my little boy coming undone in this adorable dance.  I don't remember laughing that much in a long time.  It was pure joy!  And as I showed him my joy in laughter, he became bolder and wilder.  My joy encouraged him.  My joy made him stronger in his pursuit of bringing me delight.

Later that night, when the kids had gone to bed and the sound of laughter had been replaced with the rhythmic breathing of peaceful rest I peaked into Dylan's room and saw him sound asleep.  Not much beats seeing one's sleeping children...At that moment, I thought of Our Father in Heaven and how much delight He must experience every time one of His beloved children comes out of his or her shell in His presence.

The same way that Dylan becoming the person that he truly is in the comfort of our presence brings unadulterated joy to our hearts and laughter to our souls, imagine how Our Heavenly Father must feel when we become the person He designed us to be in front of Him. He designed us specifically for His joy and when we finally embrace such design, when we embrace His plan for us, when we embrace His redemption, all of Heaven rejoices.(Luke 15:7)  

The wonderful thing is also that this is a circular action, for as He rejoices, we are strengthen!  Like Nehemiah 8:10 says:
  "Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." 

Just like the expression of my joy and delight with him strengthened and encouraged Dylan; how much more the joy of the Lord as He delights in us would strengthen us and give us courage to move on.  So many times, however, the circle moves in reverse.  We are discouraged and weakened by the burdens we carry in life, so we shut ourselves tighter and tighter into our shells.  We abandon His plan and His designs for us.  Then, we don't perceive His joy which in turn discourages us even more.  

It isn't easy, I know, but sometimes we must just crank that wheel backwards and get into that groove again, the groove that was made for us, where we belong, and dance for Him!  If the way I laughed watching Dylan dancing is any indication, the Heavens will shake as the King bursts out in Holy laughter in His throne.  Let's be ourselves for Him, whatever that may look like!  

Now, if you want to see an edited clip of Dylan's performance, click on the video below.  I didn't dare posting the entire version of the dancing for I know one day he may be none too happy with me...I hope this brings a bit of joy to you too.


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