
Friday, April 5, 2013

What Is Your New Name?

In a day like today, a sun-filled Friday, when spring seems to be finally springing in our neck of the woods, I feel like listening to fun and cheerful beats that spell out the wonders of the One True King.  So promptly, as I was cooking dinner, I flipped through the selection of songs I have cued into my audio device of choice looking for the perfect one to get me into the right mood to chop some potatoes.  The first notes of "Hello, My Name Is" by Matthew West immediately grabbed me.

If you haven't heard that song, I recommend it for an instant jolt of Godly joy! The song spells out serious food for thought as it brings a smile to one's face. It is the message I needed to hear today.  It is the message of  new beginnings.  It is the message of renewal.  It is the message of hope,-the hope of a new life in Christ.  

Though I have plenty of regrets in my life, I will not let those define me.  

Though I have many voices inside that compete for my attention and try to derail me from my path, by the Grace and Power of the One who lives in me, I will not let those voices muffle the Voice of Truth!

Though I know what defeat is, I will not let it paralyze me.

I have been washed cleaned by the Blood of the Perfect Lamb.  I have been changed into a new creation by the One who called me.  The One who makes all things new has transformed me. I am no longer lost, for He has found me. 

Before all that, however, I used to go by many names. My name used to be discouragement and fear and anger.  My name used to be selfishness and self-contentedness used to be my middle name (God used giving me children to quickly take care of that : )  My name used to be worry and doubt.  My name used to be meanness and materialism.   As it often happens after He calls His own, He has changed my name. My name is now, forgiven.  My name is grateful.  My name is humble.  "My name is Child of the One True King!" 

Let's not get stuck in our own lack of forgiveness for ourselves.  He has paid it all and now we must rejoice and praise Him for He has made us new.  And He did it as a gift.  We had nothing to do with it.  And we don't have to pay Him back either.  It was freely given and we must freely receive it.  

He has given us a new name.  Embrace your new identity in Him.  Contemplate His new name for you and spring back into life.

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