
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lily Beauty

I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination. I really enjoy lilies, though. As a matter of fact, I enjoy them so much that I have actually planted some around my old house’s patio myself! Now that we have moved out, I am really missing them. So the other day I stopped by and saw that the last of my dear lilies had finally opened up. I took one step back to admire them and just stood by in awe. They seemed to smile at me with their brightly crisp, white faces. It was quite a sight. The flowers were at their prime. Fully grown…fully matured…absolutely gorgeous! They looked just the way God, their Creator, intended them to look like…

As I wrap up my “frazzle-woman’s-look” at the Fruits of the Spirit I again take one step back to see a wider picture and I am reminded that the passage is framed by the context of two eternal truths. First, Paul clearly states that those who live by the world will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. The snares of idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like (Galatians 5: 20-21) will keep their victims outside the gates of Heaven.

The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, offers His breath of life as an alternative. As Paul tells us, those who live by the Spirit, “those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5: 24) And “there is no law,” there is nothing that will stand against the Holy Spirit in us.

As the Holy Gardner of our souls plants, grows and matures His fruits in us we become invincible. Victory is won because He who lives in us IS victorious; therefore, so are we. The trick is to allow Our Gardener to do His work so His fruits can mature as we grow closer to Him. He sets us free from the world and guides us into His presence until one day we could stand before Him, the way He intended.
Just as my beautiful lilies, we too are meant to be quite a sight the day we finally arrive at our mature state as Christians. The day our “Fruits” are fully grown and developed, the whole world will notice our spiritual beauty. And the Creator would certainly take one step back to admire His handy work.

Linking with Whole Hearted Home

1 comment:

  1. Gisela, this is beautiful!! As I read this, my thoughts went to something I am dealing with. Like your 'old house' with the beautiful lilies, so beautiful is something that was in my life, like the lilies, I can look on them. The thought came to me that I should look forward.

    Thank you for sharing this over at WholeHearted Home...I have had this open in a tab to read for several days now :-) sorry to be so long in stopping over.


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