
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Love Conquers All

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16: 33

This is the Bible verse that came to mind as I woke up the morning of our nineteenth wedding anniversary.

Who would have thought we’d last this long? Our parents probably didn’t. Seeing their children marry into very different cultures must have troubled them immensely. Distance, language, background differences constituted barriers that were seemingly too high and hard to overcome. Of course, Dan and I didn’t see any trouble. We didn’t think of the challenges. We thought love would conquer it all.

Marriage has taught me, however, that love doesn’t mean we would have no trouble. It means that once trouble arrives, we won’t be shaken. This is only possible if that love is God. We won’t be shaken if we stand on the Solid Ground, on the Rock of our salvation. He has overcome the world, and as we invite Him into our marriage, He turns us into overcomers who can endure the storms, the fires and the mountains of life.

The knowledge of this truth gives us His peace, the peace that transcends the circumstances and allows us to take heart!

My parents are not here anymore to see us overcome the barriers they once feared; but I trust one day we will be able to tell them the story of how Love did conquer it all.

Linking with, The Character Corner

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