
Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Unexpected Gift

Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger. Psalm 8: 2

On the Sunday before I begin a new semester, I was called in to work for a couple of hours administering some placement tests to incoming freshmen. I KNEW nobody would show up, so I reluctantly said yes to what looked to me as a wasted afternoon. When I came in, I realized a student worker had been assigned to work with me to help me out (good thing, since I was new to this testing system.)

Well, the first hour went by and only 4 students showed up to take the test.

The student worker was very talkative so after the last students left the classroom, we began to chat. Little did I know that the Lord had me in for a HUGE treat!

After listening to this young woman talking about her desire to travel and learn Spanish and all her dreams of graduation and jobs, I found out she was a Christian! Without me realizing it, we were involved into a deep and rewarding conversation about faith and Our Great God! We talked about families, marriage, adoption, motherhood, Christian womanhood, and the awesomeness of Christ. It was unreal!

“I am so glad to know that you are not neglecting your Spiritual life! It gives me hope…most of the kids around here don’t listen to the voice of God…they don’t want to have anything to do with Him…” I said in a melancholic tone.

“Well, I tell you what,” she replied, “that is the enemy trying to convince us of that…however, the truth is that college kids are searching for God. They might not even know it, but they are desperately seeking for Him! They look for Him in drugs, in alcohol, in sex, in partying…but they are truly searching for God! They really want Him in their lives. But the devil makes us believe that kids don’t want God in their lives, so we don’t talk to them about Him…!”


I was slapped on the face by this tiny, petite, young undergraduate girl. I looked at her and said, “You are absolutely right,” the eloquence of her words left me completely speechless.

I looked at the clock on the computer screen and realized we were done. No more students had showed up so we wrapped up and walked out the building. “It was great talking to you,” she said with a bright smile. “It was a joy!” I replied. I got in my car and I praised God for the gift. I would have never expected that the last Sunday afternoon of my summer break would be so refreshing. It was the farthest thing from a waste of time I could think of.

There is always hope in the Lord’s ways!

Linking with, The Better Mom


  1. Gisela...This is a sweet precious post reminding us that God is always at work in our lives. He knows us so well and he knows our needs just as much. I love how He fed your heart just when you needed it. Thank you for sharing and for linking up at WJIM this week. I'm thankful to have you. God bless.

    1. Thank YOU for hosting the link up and for the opportunity to share our thoughts with others. Thank you for stopping by!


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