
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fall Blessings

Well, fall is almost here, and I'm bracing for it.  It is not that I don't like fall.  I think it could be quite beautiful. I enjoy all the festivals, decorations and celebrations that come with it.  It is, however, my season of melancholic memories.  It is the season where memories of loss and goodbyes come to mind.  But the Lord, in His infinite love and compassion has given me a reason to see how life renews itself even in the midst of loss by giving me a gift to celebrate fall.

Just a week before the official start of the season, we celebrate the arrival of the youngest member of our family.  The one who made us into the unity we are today.  We rejoice in remembering the day we brought Dylan home for the first time.  Homecoming day is today! One week before fall to remind me that life does go on and that God intends for us to bloom where He plants us, regardless of what we might have lost.

So for that, autumn leaves will seem brighter and the crisp evenings won't be so cold.  For that, there are pumpkins already outside our door and the dreams of candy and the smell of pumpkin spice are making us smile.  We no longer dwell in the sadness of waving summer goodbye.  It is time to embrace the joy of change and anticipation of a new adventure...and for that we are grateful.

We are grateful for the little baby boy who came to us wrapped in a bundle of fluffy hair and chubby cheeks, and who is turning into a little man ready to conquer the world as it may come.  For that and more we say:  Happy Homecoming Dylan, we love you!

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household. 

Ephesians 2: 19

Dylan - September 11, 2006 - Guatemala City.  Our little fluffy-chubby bundle : )

Linking with Monday Musings


  1. Precious pictures of your son, then and now!! I hope you have your best Fall ever :)! It can be a difficult season as we prepare for Winter and the loss of nature's beauty. I'm sure this is only compounded with your own memories of loss during this time... Blessings to you Gisela!

    1. Thank you so much for your message! I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and cheer me up : ) I have to say I love the necklace design you posted today! I wish I had any talent : ) It sure looks wonderful and maybe I'll give it a try some day : )


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