
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mom's Rocking Chair

Today would have been my Mother’s 88th birthday. Wow…I can’t imagine my Mom being 88…This is the first birthday that she gets to celebrate with my Dad in over 13 years, so I’m sure she must be having a splendid time! It’s fun to imagine what they may be doing in Heaven. It is also fun to think about what life would be like if I still had her here with me. I wonder about it sometimes. I wonder how I would feel knowing she was still around, just a phone call away.  But I also love to remember the little things that made her who she was and all the things I learned from her.

I learned very much from her gentle ways. One of the main things she taught me was the power of persistent prayer. She was an example of praying without ceasing. One of my clearest memories growing up is walking by her bedroom at around 3pm every afternoon and seeing her at her favorite rocking chair doing her daily devotions. I wish I had kept that rocking chair…It was very special to her. It was her quiet place.

She welcomed me from it the day I came home “unexpectedly” to spend the last weeks of her life together. It was an old but really comfy, steady and firm black leather and wood frame chair. She did all her deep thinking and meditating in there. That chair was the witness of my Mom’s time with the Lord and with her thoughts.

Many serious talks also took place while my Mom sat at that rocking chair, but cheerful moments too. From talking about the decision to apply for a scholarship that would take me far away from home to discussing wedding plans, all kinds of life-altering events revolved around that spot.

I sure wish she was still on this side of Paradise so I could go to her and sit on her bed watching her gently rock in her chair while listening to the struggles, problems, dilemmas, joys and other life-induced circumstances floating in my mind at any given time. But that stage of my life is gone. That page is turned. The Good Lord who gives and takes away gave me the gift of a kind, gentle, caring and loving Mother to cherish and comfort me for a season of my life. It is time now to solely depend on Him for all I need. No greater Counselor, Healer and Comforter may I find than Him.

But He is also gracious and merciful to give me/us people with whom to walk side by side on the roads of life. We may not finish our road with the same people we began, but He makes sure we don’t finish alone. He always provides someone to make us company along the way, as well as giving us the memories of those who came before and contributed to make us what we are to become.

My Mom has had a new birth now, and she is celebrating it in Heaven, where time is not an issue. From down here I can tell her, “Mom, I sure miss you…but I’m doing well. The Lord in His infinite Love and Wisdom takes care of me while I’m still here, and someday, maybe we’ll sit around a quiet place, and perhaps we’ll find a nice, comfy rocking chair where you can sit while we catch up.”

You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay your hand upon me. Psalm 139: 5

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