
Saturday, October 12, 2013

"F" is for Fall Festivals!

With three Fall Festivals to choose from, we drove through two and fully enjoyed one.  The day was picture perfect and the festivals brought a touch of beauty and joy to those who are preparing for the possibility of a harsh winter to come knocking at our doors really soon.  For today, though, life was dressed in its autumn's best and it offered us, dreary walkers, a moment of rest from the hard road ahead.

It was a moment to rejoice in the gorgeous colors of the season.  It was a moment to enjoy the bounty of the plentiful harvest.  It was a time to delight in the bitter-sweetness of apple cider.  It was a time to smile at silly faces. It was a time to celebrate the people around us.  It was a time to admire the beauty of God's creation. 

Our Maker wants us to live the abundant life, right here, while we stroll about on His earth.  He provides moments of lightness in the midst of our hard times.  He gives us moments of laughter in the midst of our tears.  He creates moments to rest in the midst of our pain.  He walks with us on the rocky roads of life and He makes sure we are OK.  He knows what we need and He provides it in the exact right dose we require. 

I will trust You Lord...I will give you praise and thanks!

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” 
Exodus 33: 14


  1. Hi Gisela! Don't you just love Fall? I love those fairs many colors and fun crafts to look at, all the while knowing the Father has created all we see.

    I hope you will rest with him today!

    1. Thank you for visiting Ceil, and yes, I love the color, and smells and activities of the fall, and I love it most because I get to appreciate the cycle of life in it too...God's creation reveal His glory and His plan! Have a blessed week!


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