
Friday, October 4, 2013

Grace falls on us and renews us like rain in springtime.  Even as we stand in this fallen world, His Grace redeems us and sustains us.  Blessed be the One Who chose us.  Undeservedly we accept the gift with humility.  It is what moves us and what gives us understanding of the mystery that is Him in us. And the understanding reveals that some things are not for us to fully discern on this shore.  Much must still remain a mystery for if not, the Divine would be diminished.  

Like rain, His Grace refreshes our weary souls, washing away the dirt, wiping off the stains, and preparing the soil for new life to sprout again.  The old becomes new.  Growth becomes possible.  Maturity becomes the future.

His Grace covers it all.  It seeks us.  It finds us.  Even when we try to run from it, it touches us.  

Grace like rain...

Linking with: Simply Beth


  1. I truly loved this Gisela. "His Grace covers it all." Amen! I'm so glad you linked up for Three Word Wednesday. You write beautifully and you have a beautiful place here. I hope you will continue to join us on Wednesday's. I will look forward to continuing to get to know you. Blessings.

    1. Thank you Beth, I am so humbled you stopped by. His Grace is Sufficient...I am trying to live by that...Thank you for hosting Three Word Wednesday! I just found it, and it is a GREAT idea. I'm already thinking what my three words for next week are going to be : ) See you soon, and blessings!

  2. Beautiful Gisela! I can always count on coming to you for a shot of peace. My soul is very weary right now and "His Grace" is absolutely saving me. Thank you for your always timely words! I love the picture too. Sometimes I love to just sit and stare at the rain coming down, especially if I don't have to get out in it :).

    1. Thank YOU for your words, Candace. I'm praying for you in your journey...we can do all things in Him who gives us strength...His grace IS sufficient...big hugs


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