
Monday, October 7, 2013

Martha "Lite"

Well, of course I have lots to say on the topic of being frazzled. I am a frazzled woman who gets nervous while trying to juggle the business and busyness of life.  My under-developed ability to relax has the potential to take me off the path as my worries make me turn my eyes away from Christ once in a while.  but I know that with the Lord’s help, my anxious tendencies will not defeat me. However, even when my emotional state does not define me; I cannot deny it. On the contrary, I will make it work for me! I will use my frazzled state to help me live a more intentional life.

People like me are endowed with certain characteristics that allow us to accomplish a lot : ). That’s why we are frazzled and anxious: because we have a lot in our plate and we like it all to be just like so. We are multi-taskers by nature. That’s why we tend to identify with Martha; you know…like in Mary and Martha, the famous sisters in Luke 10: 38-42?

I have found, in my own experience as a frazzled woman, however, that I am not 100% like Martha. For instance, if I have to put together a last minute dinner party, rather than attempting to cook (which is never a good alternative in my book), I know what restaurant to call for great takeout. By Martha’s standards, my house is not really “clean.” And I am not ready to home school anybody, especially not my own kids! (Hats off to all my friends who are able to do this.  I wish I could.  It is such a blessing!)  So, you see, I am some sort of a “Martha Lite.” 

Of course I am going to be the one fretting when the doorbell rings unexpectedly…shoving junk in the closet and under the beds. And I will be the last one to sit at the feet of my Amazing guest to enjoy His divine company; missing most of the stories and most of the peace. But I’m not too distracted to entirely miss His presence. I know He is here, and like Martha, it takes me a while to realize what the really, REALLY important thing truly is…but in the end, I do get it, because He loves me enough to be patient with me and wait for me and take me to the place and moment when I am paying full attention, so He can reveal it to me. (John 11: 17-27) Even if it takes a painful situation for me to realize it, He works it together for good so I don’t miss it!

Martha’s keen awareness of others and her analytic skills helped her discern the truth. She needed but a nudge from the Lord to set her back on track. Then, she became more intentional. That’s why when Jesus came to them after her brother Lazarus had died, it was Martha who got up and ran to Him while Mary stayed home. Martha’s personality helped her spring into action to go meet the Christ on the road! And meet Him she did! Of course, even though she was thrilled to see her Lord finally approach, she scolded Him for being late…my husband can relate to this part…but she was aware of His power. Never would she underestimate it anymore. 

Jesus used Martha’s sense of discernment to give the world a statement of revelation: “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”(John 11: 27) 

Martha even had enough sense to go back to the house and get Mary to come and meet the Lord. Gosh…that Mary…I just want to…ugh…

Martha wasn’t going to miss the important thing anymore. She learned. And that’s what we do best…we learn. God has given us the ability to learn from our MANY mistakes. We can process our experiences in a way that they don’t go to waste. The Lord knows that He can turn what happens to us into something productive for the furthering of His Kingdom…by making us intentional.

So anxious tendencies could be a blessing, after all : ) Well, let’s not push it, right? But God can certainly use us in a very distinct way. After all, His glory is revealed when weak and imperfect people move to do His will.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12: 9

Linking with: The Better Mom and Monday Musings


  1. Hi Gisela! I love the story of Mary and Martha. I so appreciate your term Martha "Lite"! That is probably the best way to describe me as well. I am really quite a mix between the two women. Not the healthy right in between mix, but more like some days, Martha, other days, Mary...
    Thanks for pointing out the positive side of being "frazzled" :)! I find myself in that state often.

    1. Thank you Candance for stopping by. I think most women have a bit of both in us. I was intrigued that both names have the same root "Mar" and I found this about it: "The name Martha comes from the same root as Mara, Miriam and Maria, namely the verb marar (marar), meaning to be bitter. This verb comes with no less than twelve derivatives, all pretty much meaning the same thing: bitterness, bitterly, etcetera. However, in the Hebrew experience, the concept of bitterness was closely akin to the idea of being strong. A bitter taste was consider a strong taste. And that idea went on an evolution all by itself" I was even more intrigued after reading this : ) Thank you again and see you soon!


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