
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Ministry of His Word

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5: 7

I am clinging to this verse today for dear life. More than today, this is my life-verse! It sits in a place of prominence in my heart and in my mind, and it comes to me on a daily basis right when I need it…like this morning.

I don’t know about you, but waiting for a dreaded medical appointment really clouds my days. My thoughts take me into roads I should not travel, and I end up in great need for an extra dose of trust. My devotional today offered me just that by reminding me of this verse, and for that I am determined not to let the timeliness of His delivery go unnoticed. I praise Him for my anxiety, though great today, did not cloud my vision, as it would have in the past, and I was able to clearly see His message of peace and love this morning. I call that progress in my book!

Therefore, I resolve, by the power of the One Who Cares for me, to throw ALL my anxiety on Him at this moment. Not only my anxiety itself, but better yet, I will cast upon Him all the sources of my anxiety. I will put them all at the foot of the Cross.  My health concerns, financial/job fears, my sons, my husband, my extended family, my ability to be the person He desires me to be, my feelings of inadequacy, my sense of loss, and all the challenges this life has to offer…they all go to Him today, one by one. I am nailing them to the tree. I hear the clinking sound of the hammer hitting each nail on the head. I hear the sound of the cracking wood underneath. I hear the sound of the redemption and forgiveness that sets me free.

After all, it is for freedom that He has set me free (Galatians 5:1). And this is the freedom, that we would never be slaves to false idols, ideas, our past, our personality, our tendencies, our circumstances, our health, our bodies, our feelings, our emotions, or anything that can snare our will and determination to rest on Him and keep our eyes on the One Who is in control, the One who cares for us.

The freedom that comes from Christ is the one that allows me to toss the sources of my anxiety away from my soul into His all-consuming fire. And for that, all I have to do is say thank you in humility and love, for I am certainly, completely undeserving of His mercy.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 
1 Peter 5: 6

Thank you, Lord, for ministering to me through the power of your Word.

Linking with: Graced Simplicity


  1. I LOVE your beautiful description of nailing your challenges to the cross! I could actually hear the wood cracking. I'll try to keep that thought with me in all of my anxiety fueled moments. Praying for you my friend!

    1. Thank you for your words, one again and yes, I will try to do the same and keep His Words in my mind in all my "anxiety fueled moments!" which tend to be so many lately. Thank you for your prayers and I'm sending some for you too!

  2. Hi Gisela...I am so thankful that you could find some peace in his words today. I will be thinking and praying for you today as you face your doctor's appointment. I know that you are in good hands, both with the doctor and with The Lord. May his peace be with you always.

    I hope you will update us?

    1. Thank you Ceil...your prayers sustain me along with His Grace. I will update you on what happens tomorrow at my appt. as I continue to cling to His promise of peace with all I've got! His presence is what we need...that takes care of everything else. Big hugs and THANK you again for your words and prayers. Blessings to you always.


It would be great to hear from you! Let me know what you think.