
Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Morning After Christmas

Well, another Christmas has come and gone.  My goal for a stress-free season was not met 100% but looking back, I can proudly say that I only had a couple of meltdowns, but I'm blaming them on the fact that I am on my 5th day after stopping my thyroid medication in preparation for my treatment...All in all, however, our Christmas was pretty merry!  

Today marks our first December 26th that we wake up in our new house. Although the surroundings are different, some things are just the same...the kitchen is just as cluttered as it would have been in our old house. The kids are fighting over who gets to use the cool wiiU controller just as they would have at our old house.  And although I'm walking about feeling a bit blue and stressed out about the million things I have to do for work before the semester starts again...just like I would be at any other place, I have to admit that the familiarity of the feelings, sounds, sights and smells brings me comfort.  I am comforted by the memories.  

This is the morning to look back and remember the look on my sons' faces when they discovered the wonderful surprises under the tree.  It is the day to remember the delicious tastes of all the Christmas treats.  It is the moment to replay in my mind the outrageous conversations taken place around a table full of the Dieter Clan and the sounds of a house filled with young ones running around.

I also find myself remembering the joyful anticipation of Christmas Eve.  I specially think of the candle light service at our beloved church on the 24th. There is something just so beautiful and powerful about a church lit by the candles held in the hands of every member in sticks in your mind and brightens your soul...

Scary times are approaching for me; but sitting here today among the bags full of torn out wrapping paper, empty boxes, Christmas lights and quarreling brothers reminds me that life has a way to move on.  Our Lord's plan is, indeed, perfect and He knows what He is doing...even if we have not the slightest idea : ). He works it all together for the good of those who love Him...and I sure love Him! So I continue to trust for He is Faithful even when I am not.

Light has entered into this dark world and the Spirit of the Lord does descend to dwell in us.  This truth becomes evident in our midst in the most simplest of ways.  In the end, the cookies, the cards, the presents, the decorations, the stress, it all fades away as we face the Light of the World who came to us when the time was full.

I pray that Christ has been re-born in your hearts this year.  I pray that the simplicity and humility of the conditions upon which our Savior was born 2000 years ago speak to you today and show you the way of what our lives should become.  I pray that we let the Light enter into our heart today so darkness dissipates and it turns bright again, just like the noon day. 

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.Luke 2: 10-14 KJ

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