
Thursday, March 13, 2014

God's Angels

The way we were...Indira and I a million years you, my friend!
The Word tells us that we are not to be afraid:

For he will command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Psalm 91: 9-12

Today, I want to focus on how God promised to send His angels. I believe one of the ways the Lord fulfills this promise is by using His children as His ambassadors. I believe the Lord gives us not only Himself in the indwelling of His Holy Spirit in us, but He uses His children to bring His comfort and His love to His beloved who are hurting. 

I think of the blessing I had this past weekend when my dearest friend in the world took time off her extremely busy schedule to fly to my neck of the woods and spend a long weekend with me, offering me God’s comforting embrace in the warmth of her presence. 

I have known Indira for well over 20 years and we share countless life experiences. Through the years we have been able to stay closely in touch and for her friendship I am most grateful. God has certainly used her as an instrument to minister to me through the years and she’s always been there in my hour of need. Her friendship is a great reminder of Jesus’ love, and a reminder of how I must emulate His grace and extend it to others just as He constantly extends it to me.

As we were in our car ride back home from the airport after dropping off Indira, Dylan asked me, “Mom, are you sad your friend left?” I could hardly speak, so I just nodded. My older son Grant said, “you are giving your voice a rest for the first time since Saturday, huh?” At that I had to laugh and said, “yes, Indira is my best friend and it’s sad to see her go, but I’m glad for the time she was here.” Focusing on what we have rather than on what we lost is my goal…I want to rejoice in the fact that I had such a great time with my friend, and that soon we’ll see each other again.

It has been a very lonely time in my life for the last several months with a new house in a new town, enduring a harsh winter that never seems to want to end and going through health issues and financial concerns; but The Lord always gives us a respite…a breath of fresh air to renew ourselves and to keep on going. That’s what Indira’s visit meant to me… and for that, I am most grateful.

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