
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Season for Miracles

Miracles are always in season, don't you think?  It doesn't matter how seemingly insignificant or how magnificent, miracles are God's gifts delivered to humanity to reveal to us who He really is.  And He is Amazing!

If there is one jaw-dropping thing about God that never ceases to astonish me no matter how often I experience it, it is His absolutely perfect timing. The thing is that I am a very impatient person. I am a controller by nature. Therefore, I know what I want and most importantly, I know when I want it. I have always had a hard time adjusting to other people’s schedules. I have to have my own, and if you like it, you are welcome to come along. If you don’t like it…well, find another partner. Life doesn’t work like that, though…so I’ve discovered…

Over the years, and mainly through experiences…marriage and parenthood come to mind first…God has taught me, and re-taught me, and continues to teach me today that He is the One in control of it all…not me.

It has been…and it continues to be a really hard lesson to swallow. I have to say, however, that like wine, I get better at it with time. I don’t really get better at being patient…I get better at recognizing that the Holy Spirit is at work in me and that He is not done yet. I’m getting better also at recognizing the wonder of trusting God and the miracles that are revealed every day when we submit to His perfect timing…real life, honest to goodness miracles…big and small, but always amazing…

Right now, we are in the middle of making a decision that is a rather difficult one. We have prayed about it and talked about it for months, but the time is approaching when we see the final decision finally materializing in the horizon. For most, this could hardly qualify as a miracle. For some others, however, (I’m talking to you, fellow controller) this does have elements of the miraculous. Just the simple fact that for once I have not rushed it, and I have not become impatient or frustrated, and I haven’t urged my husband to get with the program is a huge miracle! 

On the contrary, I have relaxed on the slow path to discerning the best way to deal with the issue. Has there been a reward for such subdued behavior, you may ask? The answer is, of course! The road has been one of discovery of God’s omniscience and wisdom. For instance, there are way too many pieces up in the air as we struggle with this decision, a condition which I find particularly disagreeable, being a control-freak, and all. God, however, is showing us, as we take our time, how He is fitting all those pieces together one by one in the most precise and delightfully creative way (a way I could have never thought of no matter how hard I had tried).


The decision is not fully made yet. There are lots of details still to work out. But I am sure enjoying seeing God’s hand at work here. I know His timing is not our timing, and His ways are definitively not our ways, but His ways are perfect and He is always on time.

I’m still an impatient person, but the Holy Spirit is showing me a way to overcome my desire for control by allowing me to discern situations when I get to marvel at God’s plan, ways and timing, so I become more willing to let go of my own paths and accept His, instead…for only His, will lead to miracles.

Let us not miss it.  I pray the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see the supernatural, the divine, in our every day life! May we catch our Miracle Worker fast at work at every turn.

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