
Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. Ecclesiastes 4: 9

Remember the show Friends? It was so popular with people of my generation back in the 90s… The beautiful women and handsome men…they always wore the trendiest fashions and always looked so hip. Their makeup was always flawless and their perfect hair styles were to be replicated (or dreamed about) by all who watched the show. 


It’s funny how real-life friends are a bit different from the “friends” in TV. Real-life friends see you not only at your best, but mostly at your worst. They see you without makeup and in your PJ’s. They see your face distorted by the strain of real pain. Their shoulders get wet by the streams of real tears pouring down your face. They listen to your deepest fears and comfort you with their embrace.

Nope, when I’m around my true friends…it doesn’t look much like the show at all. 

Very recently, I had the opportunity to spend a few days enjoying the warm hospitality of my dearest friend Indy at her gorgeous house in Omaha. My sons and I were truly blessed by that visit, and we are still recovering from feeling so homesick for her home. Omaha has become a place of peace, fun and love for us, so much so that my boys hate to leave and wonder why we can’t move there.

During our stay, I had the blessing of sharing precious moments with Indy. From climbing down the steps in the mornings wearing my T-Shirt and Tinkerbelle pajama pants to hang out at her kitchen for a while, to having fun at the various places she took us to explore, Indy offered me the most precious gift of all, the gift of her time. She gave me her listening ear and her comforting words. She also gave me laughter and of course, great food! She selfishlessly gave me her company and the warmth of her heart. 

Ours is a friendship that doesn’t need makeup, trendy clothes, hip shoes, expensive purses or fancy hair. Ours is a friendship of T-shirts and capri pants, of backpacks and coolers, of tennis shoes and flip flops, of pony tails and hair clips. Ours is a friendship that has endured time, space, disappointments and disagreements. It is a friendship that sharpens us and refines us. And for that and more I am most thankful to our Lord.

On the way back home, my son Dylan cried often, Grant was very silent and I walked around dragging a really heavy heart. We, however, look forward to the future, and rather than saying goodbye, we say, “see you soon.” Though we may not have a regular meeting place, like the coffee shop in the show, we know that we will gather together again as God will allow.

In the meantime, we remain committed to a friendship that overcomes life’s real challenges. Under God’s watchful eye, we will continue to share our laughter and tears as we continue to be there for each other through the years…(perhaps, true,real-life-friends do have something in common with the TV show after all…)

I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)  Friends' Theme Song

Happy Birthday, Sister!

Linking with Whole Hearted Home and Little R and R


  1. Oh my goodness! tú tienes un talento increíble para expresar bellamente lo que siento y pienso. I love you dearly, my friend! hasta muy pronto.

    1. Hasta muy, MUY pronto si Dios quiere!!! Abrazos!!!

  2. I never saw the show, Friends, but this was a special post. How blessed you were to visit your friend. Friends are really special and you are right, we see our friends at their best and worst. Have a wonderful week, Gisela.


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