
Monday, July 21, 2014

Thoughts on Blogging

I began writing this blog in the summer of 2011. It has been a great experience for me because I have always loved writing and I never thought I could actually do it to any degree of proficiency. Adding to my feeling of inadequacy, I have the added burden of not being a native speaker of English. I grew up speaking Spanish. I didn’t learn English until I was in my early twenties. But I can say, without a doubt that the English language “got me at hello.”

From my first sentences I became infatuated with this highly specific and marvelously precise language. I could go on and on singing my praises to the English language, but I won’t, because as I have been told by my kids, that is way too boring?!

The thing is that I am fascinated by language in general, and by this new-found love for blogging. However, I don’t want to be consumed by it. You know what I mean? I don’t want this activity, hobby, passion, ministry, outlet, venue or whatever you may want to call it, take my eyes away from my compass. As it is the case with anything and everything in life, sometimes I just need to pause and adjust my focus, or in GPS lingo, “recalibrate.”

Blogging is an incredibly exhilarating process that allows one to share thoughts with the world, but it can also bring some uninvited frustration and anxiety that could potentially take away the fun of it.

As a Christian Mommy Blogger who wants nothing else than to dwell in Him and meditate on His precepts, blogging has become an invaluable tool for my own personal growth. 

I also see, looking at my life lately, how blogging has gone from a thing I do in my spare time to something more…like a calling, a ministry. 

As a work-outside-the home-Mom and wife, adding a time-consuming ministry to my life can cause certain lack of balance. Therefore, before things get out of hand and the situation becomes something far removed from what it was intended to be, I decided to identify some warning signs that would signal when I am walking on unwanted territory. As a compulsive list maker, I have compiled a list of 10 warning signs that may mean a blogger needs to take a break. This list was written with Mommy Christian Bloggers in mind.  I believe that it can actually, however, perhaps even be useful not just to bloggers but to anyone in any field or situation. At least, I would like to think so. At any rate, I believe the items are self-explanatory, so I will save you a long read and just list them by heading.

Warning Sign #1: you look at your six year old one morning and discover that he can reach the medicine cabinet without a stool. 

Warning Sign #2: your husband tweets you household questions from the seat next to you.

Warning Sign #3: you don’t have any of your “real-life-friends” following you on your social media sites.

Warning Sign #4: your idea of a home-made dinner is serving drive-through on your regular plates. 

Warning Sigh #5: your 6 year old asks your 10 year old for breakfast and lunch instead of you.

Warning Sign #6: the day you finish putting away your laundry, your husband asks you if you went shopping.

Warning Sign #7: you didn’t hear most of the sermon on Sunday because you were using your smart phone during church NOT entirely only for your Bible app.

Warning Sign#8: you can’t remember the last time you went out on a date with your husband.

Warning Sign #9: you can’t remember the last time you spend real, face to face time with your good friends.

Warning Sign #10: you can’t remember where you left your glasses as they are sitting pretty on top of your head.

I know, I might be pushing it here, but there is truth on the fact that many bloggers feel overwhelmed with all that is involved in this industry, particularly if one wants to really make an impact. As a Christian blogger, I want to be heard because I believe my message is His message. I began this blog as a fun way to share my meditations on Scripture with whoever might happen to stop by my site and read. I truly believe that this is the work of the Holy Spirit and that He guides my steps as I become more and more immersed into this ministry. It is my ministry and I feel called to it. I find immense fulfillment doing this and I praise God that technology is such that even someone like me can have a blog. 

Frustration and anxiety arise, however, when I lose focus and take my eyes off the goal. Frustration and anxiety appear when I forget it is not about me. It is not even about the readers. It is all about Him who called me to do His work for His glory, not mine.

As a Christian blogger I need to strike the right balance. It is true that the more time one spends researching and promoting and working to attract followers, the more successful your blog will be. The important thing for me right now is, however, to define success. Am I going to define success by the amount of page-views my blog gets? Or Am I going to define success by how far the Lord takes this humble ministry by the power of His Hand?

In my mad-rush to make my work relevant, I don’t want to forget that this is really not “my” work. It is His work. In doing so, whatever it is my part, my role to play in His plan, I must do it

…with all “my” heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since “I” know that “I” will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ “I am” serving. Colossians 3: 23-24

It is His work, not mine. Therefore, it is He who will see it to completion, because,

…He who began a good work in “me” will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1: 6

In the meantime,

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 
1 Corinthians 10: 31

Let me know what you think. Did this speak to you at all in any way? Let’s figure it out together! Let’s help each other keep our eyes on Him!

Linking with Rosilind and Whole Hearted Home


  1. Love the warning signs, Gisela! I must admit to a few of them... Balance is something that does not come easy to me. I have always struggled a great deal in that area. I never imagined how much time and energy blogging would take, but like you, I feel it is a calling.
    I would not have guessed you didn't learn English until your 20's! I'm impressed. Your writing is always so beautiful and proficient ;)!

    1. Thank you Candace, your time and visit mean a lot to me. You certainly have a calling and a gift in your blog. It is truly inspiring and a blessing to those who are touched by it. God is doing great work in you. Blessings!


It would be great to hear from you! Let me know what you think.