
Monday, December 29, 2014

Post Christmas Reflections

Well, Christmas has come and gone, and the following reflections are some of the memories and lessons the blessed season has left us with:

- Making Christmas cookies is a lot of fun!
- Oversize-fluffy stuffed bears are the best!
- Good things come to those who wait!
- Brothers could be alright.
- Dylan is not ready to handle electronic equipment on his own in a responsible manner.
- Grant is a rather sensible 12 year old who still enjoys being a little boy.
- We need an invisible fence because it is very hard to take Link out for a walk early in the morning during a break.
- A little bit of exercise on a daily basis can make a huge difference.
- We all needed some time off to do absolutely nothing and recharge our batteries.
- God is Good ALL the time...All the time He is Good!

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