
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Spirit of Christmas

This past Sunday was a day framed around the theme of giving. I sat at my beloved church´s Sunday school class to watch the video series that they are working on, but the video wouldn´t work. Class time was not lost, though, as the discussion took an interesting turn that ended up with a challenge to giving generously during this Christmas season.

Later in the day, we went to a Casting Crowns concert and Mark Hall; the lead singer gave an exhortation to those in attendance to give generously. He said, “God gives us so we can give to others.”

Christmas is called, among other things, the season of giving. And all these reminders are making me think about the way I give. Am I truly giving in the Spirit of Christmas? Or am I just going along with the mad-rush that this society pushes as the proper way to give?


Of course I want to give my sons nice presents. We save up money all year so we can afford to buy them some of the things that they want. Of course I try to give other family members nice presents. Of course I try to get myself some nice presents. Of course I want to get nice things for the house. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. But these last couple of days I’ve been thinking that perhaps I need to look somewhere else as well.

This year, my key word that was supposed to be a guide throughout the days, weeks and months of 2014 was “refocus”. I thought it was a great word for me since my life had been a bit scattered and I knew I needed to concentrate, pay attention and fix my eyes on Him. I am praying that this Christmas season Christ helps me to do one final refocusing in which He helps me see what He wants me to see. I pray that rather than focusing too much on the material and on the gathering of stuff, He refocuses my attention and my sight on the things unseen and on the matters of the heart. I pray that this Christmas I am able to give more generously not only to my beloved, but also to those whose paths cross with mine and are in need of a helping hand. I pray that during the coming days and weeks I learn to give more generously of my most prized possession, my time.

May we all make time to celebrate Christmas in its true Spirit:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3: 16

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