
Thursday, January 29, 2015

I Know...

A week ago the Holy Spirit planted in my heart Psalm 46: 10, “Be still and know that I am God.” This is one of my top 5 Bible verses of all time. It is one of the few that I have been able to commit to memory. It is one that in its simplicity ALWAYS speaks volumes of fresh words to me. It is the one that stayed with me throughout the rigorous scanning I had done the next day.

As I laid strapped and silent with a flat surface less than an inch away from my upper torso, this verse kept me sane.

As the flat surface of the scan almost imperceptibly moved sluggishly about my whole body, this verse gave me strength.

As my mind began playing tricks on me, wondering if the pictures this machine was taking of my insides were tainted by the fireworks of malignancy, this verse kept me focused.

As I was about to lose my composure overflowing with anxiety and restlessness, this verse gave me the strength to remain still.

It’s funny how God works in themes. A few days after the whole ordeal was over and I received good news that I am clean, I opened a new calendar for my office desk which has a verse from a Psalm for each month, and unknowingly I discovered that the Psalm for January is…yes…”Be still and know that I am God.”

I am trying, Lord…but many times I fail. I know that you are God, but my flesh is weak and I am easily distracted by the schemes of the enemy. The story of my life is filled with promises fulfilled, and I can’t still completely shake off the shadow of doubt. But praise Your Mercy and Faithfulness, you are Patient with those who belong to you, and you continue to gently remind us that You are the One who rules our destiny…You are the One we adore…You are the One who never will abandon us…You are the One who leads us home.

1 comment:

  1. That is a wonderful and powerful verse! I'm so glad you held it close in such a time of need. Congrats on your clean bill of health!! Yay!!


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