
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Because He Lives!

So much pain in the world today
I don’t want to seem insensitive
But sometimes I just have to look away
Take a break
Stop a bit and breathe again.
I often wonder
What tomorrow will bring
Is the Light still going to shine?
Is good still going to win?
Or must we just brace for the end?

It sure looks as if we are all going downhill.
Desperate, lonely, abused and confused people
Have lost their way.
Is there anything left to do?
Or is it just too late?

Then I hear a song in the air.
A song full of hope…
I gather my wits
Grab a hold of myself and think
I swallow hard and remember

I remember that I must find His hand.
I remember that because He is near
I can face my fears.
Because He loves me,
I can trust His plan.
Because He is Faithful
I can believe His promises
Because He showers me with His Grace
I will, one day, see His Face.
To Live is Christ
And to die is gain.
It doesn’t matter what tomorrow may bring,
Because He lives!

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