Tuesday, December 1, 2015
What Are You Thankful For?
I can’t believe Thanksgiving came and went…I tell you, I had serious intentions to write a post before, but life got on the way. However, it is never too late to give thanks! As a matter of fact, Thanksgiving Day is just that, one day. It is only one of the 365 days we are to give thanks to our Lord for the infinite mercies of His blessings. So here’s my Thanksgiving story for this year.
The Sunday before, we were at church and the Elder who was leading us in prayer asked the rhetorical question: What are you thankful for? However, it was not rhetorical. He actually wanted people to answer, right there and then, aloud! After a brief pause, the congregants began to shout out single word answers. Family, health, friends, church were among the first ones. It was moving to hear people expressing, though shyly, their thankfulness to Our Lord in a public manner. Of course I did not say anything…but I looked at Dylan, sitting by my side as always, and I asked him the same question:
“Dylan,” I said, “what are you thankful for?”
He looked at me, and immediately said: “Love.”
I have to admit that I was taken aback by his lack of hesitation. His answer came right from the honesty that only a child can muster. Although also a one word answer, Dylan’s succinct reply encompassed a world of meaning. His spontaneity expressed a world of sincerity.
I look at that child and I’m inundated by it. He drives me crazy, moves me to desperation and impatience, makes my hair grow grey by the second and gives me headaches like no one else…but love is what fills my soul when I’m around him. No matter what…love conquers all other feelings and love moves me to embrace him time and time again.
At that moment, I got a glimpse of God’s love for us. We sit by Him, day in and day out. He is with us always. And even if we ignore Him, give Him only a passing glance or at times even shush Him away, He is surely with us… always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
This Thanksgiving I had the blessing of spending much quality time with my family both immediate and extended, by marriage and by blood…and found or rather confirmed what I am most thankful for…like my son, Love is what I am most grateful for. Love in the presence of God…Love in the Blood of Jesus…Love in the Sacrifice of the Lamb…Love in the Emmanuel…Love in the eyes of a child…Love in the company of those I call my own.
I hope you also were able to answer the question, what are you thankful for?
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