
Friday, July 1, 2016

All that My Heart Desires...

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 
Psalm 37: 4

This verse was in my devotional reading this morning and the meditation on it pointed out that the Lord does give us the desires of our hearts, because He IS our greatest desire. We might not even realize it, but He is what we really need and want. Therefore, when we seek Him with all our hearts, minds and souls, He reveals Himself to us…and it is precisely in that revelation where we find the fulfillment of all our desires.

Nothing else in this world, not our family, not our loved ones, not our material possessions, not our jobs, not even our dream-beach-vacations (well, this is me personally talking here) will ever be able to meet the deepest longings that dwell in our hearts. I know this is true for me. My heart is always restless and my mind is always drifting away toward something elusive that I don’t have. The thing is that I don’t even know what “it” is that I don’t have and I need. It is just a constant void…an unfillable hole that can never be completely sealed no matter how much I throw in there to try to fill it up. Actually, the more I throw in there, the bigger the hole gets. The more I have, the more I accumulate, the more dissatisfied I feel.


Could it be, perhaps, that I am trying to fill this void with a whole lot of the exact wrong things?

Well, of course!

Creation is wonderful, but nothing created could ever do the job because the job can only be accomplished by the Creator! We get glimpses of this reality once in a while, don’t we? It might be different for every person, but we all have moments, precious moments when we experience the presence of God in a vivid, intense, evident and almost tangible way. And those moments are indescribable. The joy felt at those times of real intimacy with our Lord truly prove that we need nothing else when we have Him.

For me, those moments of clear awareness of God usually happen during worship. God uses the right hymn, the right praise song at the right time to speak to me…to reveal Himself to me in the most profound of ways. The experience is fleeting, though…that’s why it is so precious, because of its brevity and sparsity.


But it is enough to remind me that there will be a day when I will be in the presence of Our Lord and nothing else would matter because He is all that my heart desires.

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