
Friday, September 30, 2016

The Antidote Against My Fall Blues

Well, I guess it’s time for my “fall-brings-my-spirit-down” yearly post.  However, I think I can safely declare that I might have found the antidote for my fall-funk (well, at least something that is doable unlike my previous solution which involved permanently relocating to a tropical island)…Anyway, what I’ve been doing that has actually truly helped me overcome my seasonal blues is:  participate in a Bible study with my sisters in Christ!
We started the Bible Study a couple of weeks ago and in my opinion, it is going really well.  We are doing a study called Gideon: Your Weakness.  God’s Strength by Priscilla Shirer.  Right now, the thing that is impressing me the most is that we are discovering how God truly is the God that uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary.  And we are also learning to pray for revival…to pray for revival to start right here…within each and every one of us individually. 
It was kind of neat, at least I thought so, when we got little hula hoops last session.  NO!  We didn’t have a hula hoop competition (only because we knew who’d win, and the rest of us didn’t want to be embarrassed).  We put them on the floor and we stood inside of the small circumference to pray for precisely that: revival within our hearts. 
That activity filled me up with hope.  I don’t really know what revival looks like.  I wasn’t really alive for any of the revivals our nation has seen.  But I sure am ready to be part of one right about now!  And I’m guessing revival is pretty much allowing God’s Holy Spirit to move freely inside of our entire being and letting Him take over our weaknesses to use us for His sacred purposes, boldly, without fear, without hesitation, and without doubt.
I am so ready to be used by God in a mighty way!  Again, I have no clue what that entitles.  I only know that whatever it is, big or small, loud or quiet, important or insignificant, broad or narrow…it will be extraordinary because it is God prescribed.
Spending time with my sisters in Christ, studying God’s precious Word and praying for personal revival…well, if that’s not enough to get me out of my usual fall-funk, I don’t know what’d do it? 

I’ll keep you posted on what we learn.  Let’s make it a shared experience and let’s witness a great revival among our midst! I think this is going to be a great fall!

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