
Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Road Ahead

Yep…it is the last day of 2016…and as hard as that is to believe, it is true.  The entire year has gone by.  And I don’t know where it went.

For me, this is typically a day full of melancholic feelings.  I sit and ponder the things that went through during the days of the year that is closing and the inevitability of regret covers me in a blanket of guilt for lost opportunities and misused moments…but also, a sense of hope flickers, if ever so faintly inside of my soul…the hope of Jesus who extends His hand to us and says come as we see the long road ahead, filled with unknowns, anticipation, mixed emotions and a pinch of fear.

The Grace of Christ, Our Immanuel, opens wide right in front of us as we step into the new year.  And, even though we have NO clue of what may come, we trust, because we live by faith and not by sight.  Therefore, I hang on tightly to this truth, the truth of Jesus walking with me all along the way in order to I greet 2017 as an adventure to be excited about rather than as a painful road to be dreaded. 

I pray that the limitless mercies of Our Great God may be, indeed new every day in this new year and always.

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