
Monday, March 13, 2017

Grave Clothes

The next command Jesus gives in this scene is very revealing: Jesus said to them, 

“Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” John 11: 44b

Lazarus is alive again. He has been resurrected. A new life has been granted. He is born again, in a sense. However, there’s still something left to do in order for him to be completely free: quit dragging around the grave clothes!

How many times does Jesus have to deliver me? How many times does He have to rescue me? How many times does He have to bring me back to life for me to drop the old grave clothes and put on the new me?

I have to confess that I have a hard time letting go. It doesn’t even have to be a good thing, either. I have a hard time letting go of the bad things in my life as well.

It makes no sense. But it’s true.

God has healed me. He has given me a new chance. He has defeated my enemy. But I’m still afraid. I’m still anxious. I’m still in shackles. I’m still wearing the grave clothes.

Someone, please, take them off of me and let me go!


I don’t want to be a mummy anymore.

Lord Jesus, please give the command. Just say the Word, and I will be finally free.

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