
Monday, August 7, 2017

Summer Meditations

Well…I’m back… I can’t believe it’s been so long since I last wrote a post. I was supposed to write about my surrendering to God in the small things of the mundane. Life got in the way, however, and time slipped out of my hands, and now I sit here, a month later, trying to gather my thoughts.

My goal was to remain aware of God’s presence in the every-day-non-transcendental-moments of life… and record it. Although, I did not record it, I did try to remain aware. I saw God’s hand in what I experienced these last month and I tried to stay in a frame of mind that would allow me to realize that it is all a gift from Him. As we left on our trips, I always made sure we prayed and recognized the gift that we were about to receive. I tried to keep that attitude in front of the kids so we could continue with a grateful mind every time we embarked in something exciting.

I tried to hit the pause button every time I could so I could be in the moment even if just for a moment, and say thanks.

I paused every time I saw a magnificent sunset or sunrise. I paused when the ocean waves caressed my feet. I paused when I saw my kids laughing and having a good time. I paused when I was able to sit back and take a nap. I paused when I tasted something really delicious. I paused when I realized someone near me just needed to talk. I paused when I faced darkness. I paused when I felt the heat. I paused when the lights came back on. I paused when there was nothing to eat. I paused when we rode on an old, beat up bus. I paused when I got to rent a nice car. I paused while we walk the busy streets. I paused in the lazy, quiet nights. I paused when we said hello! I paused when we cried goodbye.

And for it all, I did my best to offer praise and thanksgiving…

I can’t deny that I was distracted most of the time. I can’t deny I lost patience often. I can’t deny that I was not godly always. But I am thankful for all that I experienced, especially for the fact that even though I was distracted, impatient and harsh…at least I was aware. I noticed. I was able to be in the moment.

God’s grace is sufficient, and His love covers a multitude of sins…even mine…

Now, I pray I can continue with my summer meditations as the season rushes to a close. It has been quite a ride and I have to take time to process it as I gear up for the fall. I hope my meditations are pertinent to those who read them, at least if only to remind us the need to be in the moment even if just for a moment. Talk to you soon!

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