
Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Fear of the Lord

As I was sitting in the car, looking for something to distract my mind from the obsessive thoughts I’ve been carrying around lately, regarding upcoming blood work and test results, I fell into Facebook’s lure. However, since God can use anything and everything for the furthering of His Kingdom, He directed me to a video-post by Christian Singer, Natalie Grant. A dear friend had actually sent me that video, but I hadn’t been able to watch it. Lo and behold, this afternoon I was able to play it, and in the video I learned how Natalie Grant is canceling her October and November shows due to an upcoming thyroid surgery.

Among other wonderful things, Natalie Grant explained in the video how she has found out through the current trial she is facing, the crucial importance of holding each and every thought captive. She quoted from the Amplified version, and boy, did that speak to me?

We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10: 5

I have a hard time controlling my thoughts. When it comes to worrying about my health…I lose the reigns and my mind becomes totally unruly. It gets away from me and it takes me to places I have no business visiting. My thoughts become so argumentative and sophisticated that they totally set themselves up against the true knowledge of God…driving me to a ledge… to a cliff…where they push me down the abyss of the “what-ifs.” There, I lay in helpless desperation, cowering under the attacks of the enemy, shivering with the cold sweats of fear…fainting in dismay.

And that is no place for the child of God to be!

Lord, how and why do I allow myself to get there?

In my case, because I do not have the discipline of taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ!

But, what does that mean? I have no idea…

But then, when I stop to think again, I think it actually is, maybe, an issue of attitude? Like, sort of a combination of staying or keeping an attitude of surrendering and awareness, perhaps?

The trials are real. The outcome could really be bad. The circumstance might not change. The situation can get worst. The end might truly not be ideal. The plan could totally change. It could seriously be a big deal…we are not supposed to deny it or avoid it or act in a delusional way…not at all, I don’t think so. But we are called to be disciplined and intentional as far as how we manage our thought-life while experiencing a rough patch in our path.

And I believe, that management begins with awareness. In my case, I need to be able to recognize when I am letting go of the reigns of my mind. I need to know when I am being attacked by the enemy. I need to see the signs, the warning signs of my thoughts getting out of my control, so I can get back to an attitude of surrendering them to the foot of the cross.

“There is a fear that drives away all fears: the fear of the Lord,” says Jon Courson in his commentary. The righteous man is the man/woman who fears the Lord, who allows the Lord to be LORD over all. The righteous man/woman gets a wonderful promise in Psalm 112:7-8a(AMP):

He will not fear bad news;

His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the Lord.

His heart is upheld, he will not fear…

As I pray for Christian performer, Natalie Grant in her current trial, I pray I can become the kind of woman whose fear of the Lord dismisses all other fears. I want to be a righteous woman who keeps her mind under control by surrendering to Christ and staying alert. I want to be a child of God who trusts Him and confidently relies on Him. I want to be the person who takes these promises and claims them for herself…so I may never let fear run my life again.

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