
Friday, October 13, 2017

I am Restored

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul;

How do I feel when I read these verses above? Mmmmm… I feel…restored, indeed!

I don’t know anything about being a sheep, but when I read this I just want to be one. I want to be that little sheep that gets to lie down in a field as green as emeralds, and that runs as far as my little sheep eyes can see. And when I’m thirsty, I want to be led by the water…preferably still, so I don’t have to be afraid or nervous with it being rough or rushing too hard.

But, as I read the first part of verse 2 again, I’m wondering...why does it say: “He makes me lie down…” Why does He have to “make me”? I mean, really?

This kind of makes me think of my sons, especially my older one, Grant. That kid does not like to lie down. He has never been one for sleeping much. When he was a little boy I had to “make him lie down” otherwise, he would have never taken a nap or slept at all. Later, he informed me that the reason was that he didn’t want to miss anything…man! Who cares? I wish I could take a nap. I wish…wait a minute…what am I saying?

Am I saying that I don’t voluntarily lie down either? What’s this: “I wish someone would make me take a nap”? Am I that restless that I need to be made to lie down?

The answer is a resounding YES!

People at work always make fun of me because I don’t stop. At home, everyone gets tired just to see me enter the house because they know peace has ended. They actually love it when I take a nap because they can finally chill. I am always on the run. I am always rushing. I’m exhausted.

Yes, I need to be made to lie down in the comfort of the Lord’s green pastures that He has reserved for me. And, since He knows I love me a beautiful water-front, He has placed the picture-perfect still waters right upon my view.

I can see it in my mind as I close my eyes…

My soul is restored!

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