
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Scary Valley

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil;

For You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. New King James - Psalm 23: 4

It has taken me way too long to get back to my look at Psalm 23rd in which I’m pondering how the verses in this treasured piece of Scripture make me feel. I am thinking, besides the fact that I have been insanely busy the last couple of weeks, that probably the main reason for the delay has been that this particular verse makes me feel…uneasy…

I have always loved this verse. I have found comfort in it in times of trouble. It has helped me regained confidence while in shaky grounds. It has brought stability when life has seemed up-side-down. But it also has made me feel worried while cruising.

One thing is to read this verse when I’m in the middle of that darkest of valleys; another one is to read it when life is all bright and sunny.

While in the pit, this assurance of the presence of God brings peace. While in the green pastures, reading about the valley of the shadow of death, truly, gives me the creeps.

I’m just being honest here. I know this is probably not your average meditation…but feelings and emotions are very personal…and this is what is inside my heart. I don’t want to think about the valleys when I’m up high, enjoying the view from the mountain-top. I don’t want to remember darkness when I am in the light. I don’t want to be reminded of the fact that there will be yet, another valley waiting for me at some point…while I am being refreshed near the still waters.

I am so selfish and so in-love with this world that I just want to make the superficial happiness of the material, last me every day of my stay on this Earth. This verse, however, brings me back to a place where the reality of suffering is made evident. Walking through the valley of the shadow of death is not something that happens only to “other” people. It happens to me too. And, though I may forget while on the mountain top…valleys of shadows of death are all too real.

Nobody likes walking through them. But some go through these valleys more graciously than others…I am not one of those gracious valley-walkers. Therefore, anything that reminds me of the fact that shadows are part of our wandering in this world makes me uneasy.

What to do?

I just have to finish reading the verse and BELIEVE IT! I have to believe He is Trustworthy! I have to believe that His promises are true and claim them! I have to claim His promise for my own life: He is with me in the valley of the shadow of death…He protects me. He takes care of me. He comforts me with His power and above all, with His presence. I know it in my mind. I just have to believe it in my heart and trust Him so I can take Him at His Word. That is the only way that the valley won’t seem so terrifying to me. That is the only way I won’t become queasy when reading this verse. That is the only way I will fear no evil as I continue my walk with The Lord.

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