
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ready for Christmas? Not Even Close!

I've kept thinking about the question:  "Are you ready for Christmas?"

I get it anywhere I go this time of the year, from busy cashiers at the stores to frazzled family members and dear friends.  Like I said yesterday, the question is meant to ask whether I'm done with all my shopping or not.  This last couple of days, however, I have felt a certain tension in my spirit every time anyone asks me this question.  I believe the tension has to do with the fact that I am truly NOT ready...not even close!

The reason I'm not ready has nothing to do with shopping.  Thanks to my shopping is pretty much all done.

The reason my soul shudders when I get the dreaded question is that I have been so preoccupied with the urgency of the mundane brought up by every-day-insignificant-emergencies, that I can't believe it is December 20th of the year that I'm leaving my 40s behind, and I had just, literally, just five minutes ago, for the first time, actually taken time to read the lyrics of one of my favorite Christmas Carols:  "Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Another question pops into my mind:  "Have I ever been ready for Christmas?"

The thing is that last night, at the High School Christmas Concert where Grant played in the Jazz Band and Concert Band very beautifully by the way, the Chorus Director introduced the song "Do You Hear What I Hear?" before the performance by saying that the song was written in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis as a call to peace.  The thought intrigued me. 

I didn't grow up with American Christmas carols.  But I've always liked this one because of the tune and melody.  The lyrics, however, I could never really decipher.  I knew that they were talking about things as big as other things or is it "bigger"?...but I was never sure if it was a star as big as a pike? Or if it was a shepherd-king or a boy dancing in the sea? Then, how did the Snowman from Rudolph end up bringing silver and gold? 

My point is, I did not know what was going on in this song until just now.

I woke up with the song in my head...the tune, that is...then I remembered what the choir Director said last night.  So, I looked up the lyrics and I was in awe...I realized what a wonderful son this is!  Instantly, I grew to love this song even more...but now for the right reason...for the content and the truth that it brings forth, rather than for the frills and the tune.

Lord, I've been so busy taking care of things that have no eternal consequences or dazzled by the frills and superficial glitz of the season, that I have forgotten the reason and the purpose for the celebration.  Thank you for bringing me closer to being ready to acknowledging the miracle of Christmas and Your sacrifice...Your gift...the gift of Your presence among us.  Allow me to proclaim this truth with a voice as big as the sea, and to be as brave as the mighty king to say:

Said the king to the people everywhere
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace people everywhere
Listen to what I say
The child, the child
Sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

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