
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Rushing Ahead

The new year is well on its way...and here I am.

In these first days of 2018 I have had my ups and downs as far as allowing the peace of Christ to flow through me; but I'm finding out that once the level of stress rises, if I can manage to pause and remember the things I've learned from the book You're Going to be Okay by Holley Gerth, things get better.

I need all the help I can get in order for me to find the center and balance of my life.  So, I think it's time I get back to my reading of this book.

I remember I left it Chapter 4:  Your Heart is Worth Guarding.  So I will pick it up right there, because I'm at the end of this chapter, where it talks about how our hearts are guarded when we have Jesus on His Throne.  And boy, do I need to remember that...

Take today, for example, I really, really try not to do this, but last night I left my phone sitting on my night table.  I don't like doing this because guess what happens in the morning?  Yes, you got it!  The first thing I do as soon as I open my eyes is.... drum roll .... I reach for my phone.  I purposely have the charger downstairs so if I want to charge it overnight, I have to leave it out of my reach.  But last night, I kept it with me in my room...and of know...

The thing is that as I checked my e-mail, a message about a new blog post called my attention, so I clicked on it and read it.  The post was fabulous!  It was about being consistent and about the amazing spiritual discipline of beginning your day in Christ.  I loved it!  I agreed with everything the blogger said, which was simply: rather than beginning the day by checking social media, check in with the Lord.

So, I got out of bed full of resolve, and...instead, I got distracted, and next thing I know, I'm checking social media instead of reading my morning devotional...


It was about an hour later until I realized what I had done.  And here I am...

The thing is that out of ALL the relationships in my life, the most important one, the only one I should never neglect is my relationship with Christ.  But, as it happens, that is the one I push aside the most.  Instead of keeping Jesus on His Throne in my heart, I push Him off and place something on it that usurps His Holy place.  In times of stress, for example, when hectic schedules keep me running around like a mad chicken, I totally forget who is King, and crown all the insignificant tasks in front of me, king instead.  When things are not going according to plan, I crown my desires king.  When I'm afraid, fear and anxiety fight over the throne. 


Instead of seeking His Kingdom first and fixing my eyes on Him, I seek gratification and keep my eyes on the goal of comfort.

I forget that if Jesus is sitting on the Throne of my heart, He will tend to everything I need and want! Yes, in His timing, but His timing happens to be perfect, and that is something I often forget.

I finally grabbed my devotional, and along with Holley Gerth's book, it also reminded me of this:

"Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things happen before their times have come.  One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events.  If you want to stay close to Me and do things My way, ask Me to show you the path forward moment by moment.  Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let Me set the pace.  Slow down, and enjoy the journey in My Presence." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)

Lord, please make me remember the truth: that You love me, that You take care of me, that Your timing is perfect and that You seat on the Throne always.  In Christ's precious name...

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