
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Forgiveness of Self

Recently I read a friend's post who was encouraging all his readers to think of weight loss and healthy lifestyle as the sum of many actions.  His message is that technique (exercise routine, eating habits, etc.) amounts only to about 20% of your success in such pursuits.  The other 80% is what moves you inside, your motivation, your determination, your spirit.  He talks about the need to get in touch with that as the major part of achieving any kind of positive results in your quest to becoming and staying healthy.

I happen to agree with my friend.

However, I would say that, in my opinion, it is all about seeking Christ first.  That is the key that opens the door to the abundant life. (John 10: 10)  Seeking Him first...figuring out Who Jesus is...and following Him wholeheartedly are the signs of a successful effort at doing this crazy life.  But like my friend points out, it is the sum of many actions.  One action that came to mind immediately when I read his post was forgiveness. 

In the journey to making healthy choices, and in the journey of life itself, forgiveness of self is one of those huge actions that need to be added to the process...

We need to remember how much grace Our Lord has extended to us already, and apply that same grace again, to ourselves.  If Jesus could forgive us, why is it so hard for us to forgive ourselves?

I don't know...but something tells me it might have to do with pride.  In my case, I know it has A LOT to do with that particular sin.  I used to think that I just thought way too highly of myself.  I don't think it is that anymore.  Pride has a funny way to invade a person's soul, and it is not necessarily in the same way for everyone.  I think, for me, it has to do with the fact that I don't believe that I deserve forgiveness. 

From the outside, this might not look like pride.  I mean, it seems as if I think so lowly of myself, I'm extremely humble.  Humility, however, has to do with receiving God's grace even when we know we don't deserve it.  Rejecting God's gift of redemption and forgiveness is not an act of humility.    It is an action that declares I have determined I am undeserving; therefore, I know better than God.  It is, therefore, an act of pride.

My pride prevents me from accepting the truth that Jesus died for me too.  My pride prevents me from accepting the fact that it is not about me and what I have done, do or will is about Christ and His decision to willingly go through the sacrifice that shed His blood to cleanse me.

Whereas it is choosing to live a healthier lifestyle, being kind and loving to those around, exhibiting self-control, allowing the Holy Spirit to move in us or choosing to walk closer to Jesus, we ought to be forgiving of ourselves.  We ought to realize that we need to allow grace to fill in the gap for when we make the wrong choices or take the wrong steps.  We ought to realize that when we make a mistake it is not because we are a failure, but because we are human...and as such, we are not perfect...therefore, we need Christ all the more in our lives.  Then, we could give and receive the much needed forgiveness, so we can get back on track again, almost as if we hadn't missed any steps. 

Success is the sum of many actions, says my friend.  The abundant life is the life that only Jesus can provide.  And it is the sum of the many actions that He has and continues to do in us.  Therefore, let us be kind to ourselves and allow forgiveness to permeate our hearts and souls so we can experience the success of the abundant life!

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