
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Trust Stone

This past Sunday, Dylan got a beautiful stone with the word "Trust" engraved on it.  He got it at Children at Worship service.  I saw the stone and I wanted it!!!  We got into a... "discussion" about it, and came to an agreement:  the stone would sit in our kitchen, right above the sink for all of us to see at all times.  

I love that little stone.  It has brought me great comfort.  In these days of uncertainty, when fear creeps up in my heart, threatening to destroy me, deceiving me, creating a most unbearable battle in my mind...this little stone sits as a reminder to bring me back to the Solid Rock of my Salvation!  

Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. 
Psalm 62: 6

I fill my heart with thanksgiving and praise so fear may have no place.  I thank my Loving, Heavenly Father for being my Provider and for pointing me to the truth that He is into the smallest of details.  He knew I needed a solid reminder that He is on the Throne now and forever more.  And I thank Him for it

I will continue to look at that little trust stone as a way to redirect my thoughts.  As a reminder that I want to build my house upon the Rock so it would not be washed away by the current, the winds or the storm.  Keep us under Your Wings, Our Dear Lord!

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