
Monday, March 12, 2018

What's The Frequency?

Is it sacrilegious to think of the Holy Spirit as a radio station? I hope not. The analogy works pretty well, I least for me.

The thing is that I cannot get in the car without turning my radio on. Actually, I never turn the car radio off. My kids and husband always complain when they get in my car because as soon as the engine starts, the radio blasts with a loud bang...all eyes turning to me with a glare…as I look away pretending to be completely unaware…

I love listening to Christian music and Christian shows on the radio, what can I say? So, it's a good thing, right? It didn’t use to be that way before, though. Even though I’ve always surrounded myself with music, I didn’t discover Christian music until only a little over ten years ago. I never noticed how bad secular radio could be, until now that I have been immersed into Christian frequencies. On the weekends, I flip through the dial (is it even called a “dial” anymore???) and there is so much garbage on, that I spend more time pushing that “skip” button than actually listening to music. And don’t even get me started with TV!!! There are so many channels and stations broadcasting things that I should not be watching/listening to, that it is hard to enjoy media much anymore.

Sigh… I’m sounding more and more like my Father every day…

And I’m like, an adult, and stuff, right? I supposedly have some kind of maturity level that allows me to have a semblance of sound judgement. I cannot even imagine the stuff that kids are feeding into their brains through their fancy headphones day in and say out…I mean, have you seen kids lately? They are constantly listening to…who knows what?! They are always sporting headphones. My students leave them hanging around their necks while we are in class so, as soon as class is over, they can plug them back into their ears and over their heads…or whatever…

My own sons are headphone-wearers as well. Mercy!

There is so much noise polluting our lives! It’s out of control!

It is so “funny” that precisely at the same moment I am typing these words, Dylan is playing a song in his speaker (yes, I bought him a speaker so when he is at home, he can play his music in the speaker for me to hear it in order to keep an “ear” on what he listens to…yikes!) … anyway, the song was by Skillet, a heavy metal Christian group that I have a hard time understanding what they say (Dan is worse than me…every time he hears some Skillet playing he frowns and says something like: “How do I know they are not worshiping the devil in this song?”) Anyway…as usual, I wasn’t sure what the song was about, but then I thought I heard something intelligible: “Whispers in the dark…” I’m like, “Dylan, what is he saying?” Dylan said: “Whispers in the dark. That’s the name of the song.”


Coincidence? I think not!

Of course, I did what every sensible Mom would have done, and I googled the lyrics, so I could understand the song. And, much to my delight, it is about God’s cry to His children urging them to tune into Him. We are never alone. He finds us even when we are lost…we just have to adjust the frequency of our receiver, so we can hear His whispers in the dark!

Staying tuned into the Holy Spirit whispering is not an easy thing to accomplish. The radio of my soul so often tunes Him out, which means I am left hearing all those other voices in my head that lead me the wrong way. I pray I have the sense to tune right back into the Spirit frequency every time I deviate. But above all, I pray that when I am unable to adjust my dial to the right channel, that Our Heavenly Father does it for me…so I can hear His voice, even if they sound just like a whisper in the dark.

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