
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

God's Love

"I've noticed you are drawn to songs that speak of God's love..." This is what Grant told me yesterday as he was making a mental list of the songs he is going to make sure I get into my "new" IPod, which I inherited from Dylan...

I contemplated my son's insightful statement, and marvelled at his depth of thought and acute perception.


"Yes," I replied after a while... "I am drawn to God's Power, Mercy and Love, because I truly need them all."

But, mostly, I need to be reassured of His Love...I thought to myself, quietly...

I do.  For some reason, I often feel unlovable.  Well...actually...I do know the reason:  I am unlovable most of the time.  As an aside, I want to say that t is a big step for me to add the tag line:  "most of the time."  Before, I would have stop at "unlovable."  Anyway, I feel unworthy of anyone's love...most of the time, especially of God's love.

Why would He love me?

There is really no good reason.


There isn't a good reason from our human perspective.  That's why God's love is so hard to comprehend, because we need to look at it from a divine perspective, which, as humans, becomes almost impossible.  The reason God loves someone like me is because He can't help it.  Love is not something that God does. Love is something that He is.  He IS Love.  Therefore, as we enter into a relationship with Him, and His presence is in us, we are in His Love.  It's just a fact!

He doesn't love us as humans love.  His love does not depend on what we can or would do for Him.  It doesn't even depend on whether we love Him back or not! His love emanates from His being, and it is steadfast...forever!

I am fascinated by the word "steadfast" especially when associated to God's love.  I looked it up in the dictionary and its definitions and synonyms made me even more fascinated:  resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated...fixed, unchanging, unmovable...constant...absolutely perfect!  His love is the kind of love that leaves no doubt.  It is the kind of love that only a God who is, Himself Love, can offer to His children...not based on performance, but on His own loving nature.

I am drawn to lyrics about God's love.  Yes!  I need a constant reminder of the hope that God's love brings to my life.  I need the reminder that:

...neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8: 38-39

And now, with my "new" IPod, I can listen to these reminders in song as much as I want to :) Thank you, Grant!


  1. Again Gisela you have such a way with words. I agree with you! However, I do believe that you are loveable just the way you are ☺️

  2. You are just WAY too nice! Thank you, my friend!


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