
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Does Contentment Mean Quitting?

I've been thinking about the idea of contentment as a key to keeping our insecurities (well, mine at least, right?) from causing devastation in our lives.  However, most of the thoughts on this subject revolved around giving up.  Then, I began to think:  "well, I don't want to be a quitter!  I don't want to sound like I'm preaching we are supposed to give up on life and just build our permanent dwelling on the foundations of our current state!  What if our current state is the pit!?  Am I supposed to accept the pit as part of seeking contentment?"

So, what did I do?  I asked Google! Of course!

No, really, I did!  I searched for Bible verses that speak about contentment.  Then, I selected the two that spoke directly to me:  Matthew 6: 25-34 and Philippians 4: 12-13.  And, I examined the chapters that contained such verses.  Here's what I found:

If we read Matthew 6, we see that Jesus is continuing the train of thought that He began in chapter 5 which is all part of His Sermon of the Mount.  In chapter 6, He speaks about outward issues: giving to the needy, prayer, fasting, treasures in heaven...and...worry...sigh...

He tells us His famous:  "Do not worry about your life..." statement followed by His rationale for our need not to worry.  Go ahead, read it for yourself.  It's all there and it's wonderful! But the statement that most speaks to what I'm trying to understand today (at least in my humble opinion) is found in verse 33:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I don't believe these words of Jesus in any way, shape or form imply giving up.  Not even a little bit!  While He tells us:  "Hey, don't worry, I've got you covered!!" He doesn't tell us to just quit and sit around doing nothing.  He commands us to action!  He says:  "SEEK ME FIRST!" 

I don't know about you, but when I'm on a "seeking" mission, I'm doing anything but quitting.  I can't seek while sitting (though it has been tried in my house by my kids several times to no avail, however...sigh)  Searching, to me, is almost like a workout.  I squat.  I lean.  I get down on the floor.  I struggle to get up.  I realize there are some muscles I haven't used in a long time.  My back hurts,  I remove things.  I lift things.  I straighten things.  I throw away things.  I find things I am not looking for.  I yell at people (this one probably doesn't apply to the illustration, but I'm just being honest)... regardless..."seeking" involves action...many of them, most of them very complex and often painful.  Seeking is an intentional action.  It is very far from anything linked to quitting.  Unless, you quit seeking. that is.

Also, in the process of focusing on Seeking Him first, notice what happens:  "all these things will be given to you as well."  

So, what do we have here:  
1. forget about fitting into a self-made image that is unrealistic.  
2. Redirect eyes and energy towards seeking Christ as the main purpose in life.
3. Stop worrying - Stop Obsessing about self: find contentment.  
4. See how He provides for everything.


I will get to the other passage of Scripture next time.  Let me just keep on pondering now.  See you soon!

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