
Monday, July 30, 2018

Show Us Your Presence, Lord!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1: 9

Have you ever been at a place where you wondered whether God truly was there? Very recently, my sons and I were visiting a church…actually, it was the church I grew up attending in Panama…and Dylan confessed to me that he did not feel comfortable in there. Maybe it was the fact that everything was in Spanish. Probably, it was the eeriness of feeling like a foreigner in a not so familiar land. It could’ve been the awful heat! Dylan’s main reason to dislike coming to Panama is the heat. He is ALWAYS complaining, and saying he is too hot! It might have been an overall lack of understanding of the surroundings. Perhaps, it was all of the above, but the thing is that Dylan was not enjoying church that morning.

I didn’t know how to comfort him. I was actually, getting annoyed and frustrated with his inability to quiet himself. My lack of compassion was beginning to surface… I talked to him about how blessed he was that we were able to have such an experience that, so few get to have. Being in another country is not something the average 12-year-old does on a regular basis, let alone actually attending church with the people of that country. I told him all about how being there would make him an interesting person. I even told him that trips like this one would make him more marketable one day, when he was looking for a job…Don’t worry, service hadn’t started yet…

Amazingly enough, none of these things I was so eloquently saying to him made any difference to my son. He just couldn’t shake off the uncomfortable feeling. Then, I said, “Pray that the Holy Spirit shows you how God is present in this place.”

OK…as the words came out of my mouth, I knew that wasn’t me talking…I also knew the message was not just for Dylan either.

Then, I said: “Pray that the Holy Spirit shows you God’s presence in a way that you can understand. For example, how He is in the gentle breeze that cools you off, so you are not too hot, or in the music, or in a smile someone offers to you…”

Dylan looked at me, and for the first time I saw a glimmer of wonder and reflection that showed a hint of peace. His reaction made me realize he had finally heard something that had touched him in a comforting way. I totally knew then, that was the Holy Spirit talking through me, ‘cause there ain’t no way I could’ve thought of any of that on my own…

God’s amazing ways astonish me to no end. I pray that I can tune into Him and fix my eyes on Him in every and any situation, so I can stay the course. No matter how confusing, scary, uncomfortable or painful things are, I pray that I can always find His presence. I cling to His promise that He will be with me wherever I go…and, encouraged by His Word, I will try, by His strength, to remain courageous.

Service went on its way. Dylan was still confused and not entirely enjoying the experience, but, he got through it. By the time we were getting ready to go, he held my hand and noticed it was sweaty. I said, “yes, I’m dying of heat in here!” To which he replied, “not me, I’m not hot at all!” I looked at him and we both smiled.

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