
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Allow Him to Love You

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4: 19

This verse has always intrigued me... This is the kind of statement that jumps out of the passage...among several others, to tell you the truth.  But, for some reason, this one totally makes me stop in my tracks.  It is tucked in between a lengthy statement of how God is Love and if we acknowledge Him, He lives in us; as well as how, if one loves God, one must also love his/her brothers and sisters. (verses 15-21)

Then...right there, almost in an understated manner, one of the most profound revelations is given...the only reason we are even remotely capable of starting to love is because He has loved us first...


Isn't it funny?  I mean, strange?  Maybe not for you...but for me, this truth, the truth that God loved me first is stunning.  

I struggle with the ability to find anything lovable within myself.  Then, here it says, God loved me first!  How is that possible?  Why?  Why would He love me?  Like, why would he intentionally and deliberately choose to love me?  That's just crazy!  

But He did and He still does.

That's unfathomable!

He loves me even though I would never, EVER be good enough to deserve His love.  He loves me even though I will continue to mess up.  In fact, nothing can separate me from His love!  Nothing!  The love He feels for me stands the test of time, circumstance, behavior, distance...all of it.  It is an eternal love...not like the cheesy 80s song, "Endless Love."  Not at all.  This is the real thing!  And He loved me first!  It's not even like, we got to know each other well, and then He fell for me...NO!  He loved me first, even before Jesus died on the cross!  Actually, because He loved me first, He sent Jesus to die on the cross for me...little, horrible, imperfect, wretched me.

And how do I react?  In disbelief...

I don't want to doubt His love anymore!  I want to embrace it.  I want to allow Him to love me!

I know, that sounds ridiculous!  Like, who am I to say I'm going to "allow" God to do anything, right?  Well, yes, I am going to allow myself to receive His love.  I'm going to be open to receiving His love without doubting it.  I'm going to allow Him to love me without reservations and I'm going to rejoice in His extravagant love for me...and from the bottom of all my flaws, I'm going to love Him back.  

"There is no fear in love," (1 John 4: 18)  there is no fear...I love You, Lord!

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