
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Can Love be Too Passive?

Can love be too passive? 

Does loving others always involve actions?

Can we love while being still?

I'm not very going at loving others well.  But I'm trying to do a better job.  However, often I find myself feeling trapped into a mindset that pushes me to do more and more in order to show that I really love.  And, I don't know how good that is either?

Then, I think back at what I was talking about the other day...yes...that whole thing about allowing God's love to flow through me and into those to whom I'm trying to show love...and then it hits me:
most of the time, in order to let God's love flow uninterrupted from me to others, I must be still.

I kind of have to remove myself from the picture so it is He whom they see, not me.  If I keep insisting on doing, doing, doing...all others will perceive is me.  The love I am trying to demonstrate would be centered on me.  Besides, when I focus on doing things, I get so stressed out that whatever fun might have come out of it gets killed by my anxiety.  Therefore, I need to remember to be still and let God be God... Sometimes I need to just watch His love move and fill the void in our hearts as He dissolves the tensions and soothes the anxieties.  That way, by being still, we can all concentrate on His marvelous hand taking care of all as we remain the recipients of His work.

As I find rest in My Lord, I become in tune with His frequency so I can listen to His guidance and follow His path. 

Can love be too passive?
In this day in age where everyone is rushing, resting in God's love might seem too passive.  However, that is the best way to be in touch with His love, which we so desperately need.

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