
Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Obsession: a persistent, disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling.  This is how Merriam and Webster define the term.  I happen to concur.  Obsessions are persistent.  They are often disturbing.  They sure keep one preoccupied.  And the whole thing is usually pretty unreasonable, right?  This reminds me of Dylan and this one video game he is into right now.  He is completely obsessed with it.  And, playing it, alters him in ways nothing else does.  He becomes unrecognizably intense and passionate when he plays it...but not in a good way.

It's not just Dylan, however...I have several obsessions to admit too:  moving, not becoming too attached to things, retirement, vacation plans, the beach, the future of my sons, my husband, work, romantic comedies, and anything involving melted cheese and chocolate cake.  

Deep, huh?  I know!

The thing is that I usually don't consider my obsessions a problem.  I figured, if I'm not hurting anybody, who cares, right? I mean, they are part of my little, inner world.  So, what's the big deal? Well...

The question is:  do obsessions help me grow closer to God and to His people or do they rather become a barrier between us?

Are obsessions from God or from the enemy?

If I look at Dylan's obsession with his video game, it is clear to me that this video game is the devil itself!  If I look at my obsessions, not so much.  Since when being preoccupied with one's kids, husband, retirement, etc. is a bad thing?  Those are noble things that God put in my path to care for and about.  But, to what level?  To what level do I let my preoccupation with these noble things/people/objectives negatively impact my relationship with Christ?

That's the key, isn't' it?  Are my obsessions, really my idols?

Our God is a Jealous God. (Exodus 20: 5)  He designed us to worship Him.  That is our greatest purpose in this life and in the next.  Therefore, anything that distracts us from our God-given design and pushes us to worship other gods is nothing but a tool of the enemy.  And we would pay dearly if we go along with it: 

"It shall come about if you ever forget the LORD your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish. (Deut. 8: 19)

But, how do we know if the intensity we are feeling comes from our obsession or from the innate passion of God's calling?

That's the million dollar question, isn't it?

It is a hard question to answer because often, the root of the intensity is obviously identified with an obsession:  Dylan's video game.  However, many times, it is not so easily identifiable.  So, is there a test to find out for sure?  Well, I doubt it.  An important part of spiritual growth and the process of sanctification is to develop the ability to discern the fine lines that divide right and wrong...and the ability to self-regulate and self-check.

Asking for wisdom should be a high priority in our lives if we believe we might be dealing with an obsession.  The entire Book of proverbs is a reminder of the believer's need to pray for wisdom.  Wisdom is the mother of discernment.  In wisdom, we could probably develop some kind of an awareness test we could apply to ourselves:  is this thing I am so passionate about, ultimately glorifying God or me?

Who does this object of my affection and passion have to do with?  Who am I doing this for?  Who would be standing at the end of the race as the winner?  Who would others be pointing at as the hero of the story in the end? Whose is the name that would be remembered, mine or the Lord's?

It's funny that I so easily criticize Dylan for wasting his life on this video game he is obsessed with; but I can't see that my own obsession with wanting him to quit playing and go do his homework or read or do something productive with his life stems from a deep longing to be thought of as a good Mom...


Obsession: a persistent, disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or idol that separates us from God and makes it all about ourselves.

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