
Thursday, October 11, 2018

What Stories Are You Telling Yourself?

"God still writing your story.  Quit trying to steal the pen"

I saw this message at the Tobymac#Speaklife site not too long ago and it really hit me.  The reason it did, most profoundly, was because, just like a day before, I was deeply convicted by something Dan told me that was very much related to the thought above.  In a "discussion" we were having, he said to me something like:  "you better change the stories you are telling yourself..."


Of course, at the time he said it, I did not want to admit how wise that comment/admonition was.  But it did affect me, precisely because there is so much wisdom and truth in it...sigh...I do tell myself crazy, misrepresented, deceiving, marred,  scarring, hurtful and totally made-up, untrue stories about myself...about who I really am.

My identity is so marked by these stories I tell myself, that I can't hardly recognize the true me anymore.  The lies I tell myself have hidden my actual self so far behind their webs that I'm like a mummy...sigh...I can barely see me, and neither can those close to me.  

After our "discussion" I couldn't help but thinking that it is time I change my narrative. 

When I saw the Tobymac sign, though, I realized that my conclusion above was only half true.  What I actually need to do is to let go of the pen, let God keep on writing my story, or unfolding it, rather, and just sit by His feet and listen to it as He recalls it to me.  Instead of listening to the distorted stories I tell myself about myself, I must listen to the only Voice of Truth...and believe Him!

I think I'd like to explore this topic in a few other posts.  So, if you are like me, telling yourself stories packed with lies about who you are, let's see if we can pause and begin playing the track of the real story of us, the one that only Jesus can tell.

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