
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Stronger Legs

Recently, I read a devotional online that really pulled at my heartstrings.  It had to do with the power of friendship.  The writer was telling a story of the day her son started kindergarten, and how at the beginning he was so sad and disappointed because he felt lonely.  However, one day, he made a friend, and together, they began to enjoy the kindergarten experience as they thrived together.  When she asked her little boy to explain how his new friend had helped him, her son replied:  "he makes my legs stronger!"

I just thought that was the cutest thing I've ever heard!

The whole reading made me think of when Grant started six grade at a new school.  He was so lonely and we didn't know how to help him.  It broke my heart to watch him be so alone.  He is such a trooper, though...and he got through it...with the help of a little friend the Lord put in his life.  Little by little he started making a few other friends and that has helped him tremendously to gain confidence and to make the high school experience a bit less traumatic.

I also thought how it is the same for everyone, regardless of age and circumstance.  The Lord places people in our lives to help us through our difficulties and to savor the joys.  Friendships make the hardships a bit less harsh and more endurable.  They make the happy moments a lot sweeter and more memorable.  

Knowing we have friends pulling for us, praying for us, offering their hand when we are down, sharing their company when we are alone, bringing in light in our darkest hours is like receiving the embrace from the Lord Himself.

Just recently, as I was, yet again, sinking in anxiety over medical issues, the selfless words and helpful presence of unexpected friends injected peace to my weary soul and hope to my twisted mind.  I felt more confident and I grabbed hold of my choice to trust God's plan over whatever my foolish heart might be telling me.  I praised Him for His Goodness and for sending friends to help me up and make my legs stronger for the road ahead.

We are not supposed to walk along the dusty roads of this life alone, said the author of the devotional...I totally agree with that statement.  Even if you think you are alone, you are not.  There is always someone there.  It's a matter of looking intently.  Jesus is always here with us, and He always sends His angels in human flesh at our hour of most intense need.  Let's trust and walk together, as iron sharpens iron, and as friends who make each other's legs stronger.

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